Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, February 17 2025 @ 06:33 am EST

Geeklog Forums

install will not accept config.php setting!


I am trying to install and I have my site hosted on a freebsd server so the absolute path shown in the install.php file shows as



my path is /home/antoniuk/public_html

I can manually remove the /usr when installing to get the DB setup but once I go to the index page it goes right back to /usr/... Banging your head

Is there any way to fix this so the code accepts the config settings I entered and not the absolute path it thinks is right?!?

This is driving me nuts!

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Not sure I understand the problem ...

First of all, Geeklog will not change anything on its own. It uses the paths you entered (in config.php, lib-common.php, and in the install script), whether they're right or not.

Then why do you think the install script is wrong? And what would be the problem with using the path it suggests?

bye, Dirk

P.S. geeklog.net is actually running on a FreeBSD server.

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