Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 10:58 am EDT

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Integrated PM module


the site shows private messaging as an integral part of it BUT in download packs it appears that it is paid module. PM has become so integral part of all standard CMS packages like cpgnuke, xoops, postnuke, e107 its really odd that this feature should be a paid one. I will request the developers eiher to make it standard part or add autoinstallers for stuffs like phpbb-bridge. Whatever may be the reasons, this addition will make this future proof.

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Private Messages are in many other CMS projects. There is a free version for Geeklog called memo, its not as fancy per say as the nifty 20 dollar one you are referring to.

As for phpbb-bridge. If you have phpbb installed, you then have private messaging, as phpbb comes with private messaging.

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Whats the probelm with the plugin dev trying to recoup just a very small amount of money for his time.

The fact that almost everything else is free should be enough.

Why is it that no matter how much work you put into a project people always feel justified in telling you what is not there, rather than saying how much they like what is there.

To say things like this as Anon really gives your statements a lot of weight. It should be filed in the round file cabinet.


Theres no problem with plugin developer asking money for his time and efforts - you perhaps missed my point, which is "the geeklog site shows private messaging as an integral part of it BUT in download packs it appears that it is paid module. PM has become so integral part of all standard CMS packages like cpgnuke, xoops, postnuke, e107 its really odd that this feature should be a paid one." Also since phpbb-bridge is starting to take shape its ... anyway forget it.

PM system is integral part of any forum - its not asking for free lunch everytime but its as odd as you provide "reply" system free but ask money for "making a new post" system in the same forum script.
If some one misses the oddity its loss for geeklog as many people are getting driven away to stuffs like drupal, e107, cpgnuke - all are as secure in their latest versions and if we chhose not to "see" those,no one can force us to

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Quote by Hansini: the geeklog site shows private messaging as an integral part of it BUT in download packs it appears that it is paid module

What's your point? We also have the forum, the file management, and the FAQ plugin installed and neither of those is part of the download ...

bye, Dirk


Thanks Dirk. No offence please - please read the second or last para of my last post to get my point

>> We also have the forum, the file management, and the FAQ plugin installed and neither of those is part of the download ...

obviously those can be downloaded from http://www.geeklog.net/filemgmt/index.php
PM system CANNOT be downloaded

Did I make my point


Quote by Hansini: Thanks Dirk. No offence please - please read the second or last para of my last post to get my point

>> We also have the forum, the file management, and the FAQ plugin installed and neither of those is part of the download ...

obviously those can be downloaded from http://www.geeklog.net/filemgmt/index.php
PM system CANNOT be downloaded

Did I make my point

I find it interesting that people complain about a nominal fee such as $20 to download enriched plugins or features, when these same people make no qualms in buying pizza and wings for $20. Difference? I dont know.. is there a difference? Sure there is.. you'd be done your pizza in 15 minutes while the $20 plugin can be used forever on your site(s), potentially helping you make money.

It amazes me that people will pay $5 for a latte, but complain about $20 for software.

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Pizza isn't open-source.

I'm not taking sides, but I'm guessing that's where the 'irritations' are coming from...

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Quote by mrb42: Pizza isn't open-source.

I'm not taking sides, but I'm guessing that's where the 'irritations' are coming from...

Radio waves are free.. why should I buy a radio.. I should get one for free..

I paid $x for my car, why should I have to pay $y for new car mats. I should get them for free..

I paid $0 for my CMS that drives visitors to my site, why should I pay $20 for an enriched plugin for it?

Open Source dosen't mean the author can't charge for the code.. You buy it you also get the code.. Otherwise there are already lighter-weight options for this particular CMS if you want to keep your $20 - not to mention the myriad of other available plugins which are **Free**.


Its interesting how people keep on missing my point or is it just becoz they want to make their point ....

No harm if the entire forum was a paid plug-in like vbb is

But its ridiculous how an integral part of a forum like pm is made to be a paid one .... as I said you give "new post" for free but "reply post" part of the script a paid one

Also the other point was that
at $20 is much less much much less feature rich than the free ones ... its not "enriched" .... i do not know where exactly pizzas , car door mats etc etc fit into this discussion ....

as no one offers pizza for free, or radio for free but have a look ( dont be ostrich ) at phpx.com, drupal, e107.org and .... anyway its



if you prefer a different forum with whatever features you prefer, or a different CMS with same/other things included in the download, why are you beaching? just go use the other.

and don't worry, we're not missing your point, but why should something be free just cause some other related thing is free? that is a decision of the developer. If you don't like it, tough... use the other.

It is pretty arrogant to assume a thing should be a particular way just because you see it may be that way somewhere else.

my point, just incase you missed it, is "move on"


"my point, just incase you missed it, is "move on"

Anger blinds vision and pride comes before fall and ...

I am not missing your point, but its sad the entire gl community is missing mine

Also, no one answered this
"at $20 is much less much much less feature rich than the free ones ... its not "enriched" "

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Quote by Hansini:
"my point, just incase you missed it, is "move on"

Anger blinds vision and pride comes before fall and ...

I am not missing your point, but its sad the entire gl community is missing mine

Also, no one answered this
"at $20 is much less much much less feature rich than the free ones ... its not "enriched" "

You also didnt answer to the fact that there is a lighter weight version called Memo as mentioned by Remdotc.

Nobody missed your point aobut GL not coming with a "fancy" PM module. When you come to a GL forum and tell the GL community and the portal developers and the plugin developers to check out other CMSs because they're better (as you said "as many people are getting driven away to ..."), what type of response did you expect?

What does radio, pizza, car mats have in common with your question? nothing.. 'cept for the fact that varying degrees of "things" come free with various "product" offerings. Don't like a product? dont use it! Each CMS has its own strength/weakness combination. What GL may lack it makes up for in other area when compared to other CMSs. So "don't be an ostrich".


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who do I talk to about buying the $20 module? Very Happy


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Quote by jetshack: who do I talk to about buying the $20 module? Very Happy


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Registered: 07/16/02
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Have you not been to www.portalparts.com yet Mr. Green

I am the author of the following plugins:
  • filemanager
  • forum
  • chatterblock
  • faqman

    And my premium plugins:
  • glMessenger (integrated PM and Smilie admin module)
  • glQuiz
  • glMenu
  • glEventMgr

    You will see information regarding my Premium plugins accessible from the main block menu.

    Order glMessenger now and get the "Dilbert Block" shown on mysite as well Very Happy
    Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com
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    The phpbbbridge plugin provides a forum that has PM (phpBB2). Its free also.


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