Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, September 01 2024 @ 12:38 am EDT

Geeklog Forums

Integrade Existing Gallery w/ Existing GL?


I think I've searched sooo much looking for the answer that all I've accomplished is confusing myself and now nothing is making sense to me :/

I have been using Gallery for a long while now... Currently using Gallery 1.4.3

I've just completed the conversion of the rest of my site to GeekLog 1.3.9 (First time user of GeekLog)

I obviously would love to have my Gallery wrapped by GeekLog but I am struggling to figure out how.

I don't want to install a new Gallery or change the directory that my Gallery resides in unless I ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO (doing so would cause several broken links etc concerning thousands of images).

Likewise I'd hate to have to start over with a new GeekLog install since I just now got everything how I want to be.

What steps am I supposed to take to integrate my existing Gallery into my existing GeekLog?

Do I download the installer files from http://www.squatty.com/filemgmt/singlefile.php?lid=230 and overwrite the files in my current Gallery and then rerun the config? Or is there a hack I can simply add to my current gallery and/or GL Files?

Appreciate any help possible especially if it's in step 1 step 2 step 3 format Smile

Thanks a bunch.



Just as a follow up.. my problem is solved.

Got a response at:

Hopefully it'll help another as well.


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