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Cannot login remotely; FAQ & threads here tried, no help

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Registered: 12/31/03
Posts: 10
I would appreciate some help with an installation problem.

I followed the install instructions as given, on my Linux box at

It works fine – locally on that machine. I can login as admin or moderator.

The issue is that on any other machine (2 were tested, on different networks), I cannot login.

I read the FAQ and a thread in the Install forum.

I am able to login to an acct I created at geeklog.net fine, so the problem does not appear to be on the client end, with browser or firewall settings.

There is no whitespace in my config or lib-common, I have only 1 geeklog site, and am not upgrading from a previous version, and info.php says register_globals is on.

That leaves this as a documented possible cause (unless someone can point me to something else in the forum) this:

You are using frame forwarding or some other means of "hiding" the real URL of your site. Browsers, however, will only accept cookies from the real domain. You should set the $_CONF['cookiedomain'] variable to point to the real domain, not to the domain that's displayed in the browser's URL field in such a case.

I am not sure if this is the case in my setup or not – perhaps someone can tell me how to tell?
It may very well be though, because there are 2 different domains associated with this IP:

I tried changing config.php to
$_CONF['site_url'] = 'http://lmd_earth.l3com-analytics.com/geeklog';
$_CONF['site_url'] = 'http://lmd_earth.eer.l-3com.com/geeklog';
(I expect those don’t matter, but anyway)
and also
$_CONF['cookiedomain'] = '.l3com-analytics.com';
$_CONF['cookiedomain'] = '.eer.l-3com.com';
$_CONF['cookiedomain'] = '.l-3com.com';

Nothing made any difference.
Still can’t login remotely.

BTW, cookies do appear in my cookies folder on the client from geeklog.net – but I don’t see any from my own geeklog site when I try to login remotely.

Is it possible that the firewall or the server itself on the server machine is blocking or filtering cookies?
How do I check that?

Also, I noticed that there is a variable named ‘session.cookie_domain’ which has ‘no value’ according to phpinfo. Maybe I should set that in php.ini?

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give.

Tom A*censored*er

PS. That's funny, how it censors my name -- At-water.

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I made an account and logged in with no issues. Perhaps your security settings are set to high or something. Good Luck
Yes I am mental.

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Registered: 12/31/03
Posts: 10
Quote by drshakagee: I made an account and logged in with no issues. Perhaps your security settings are set to high or something. Good Luck


Well, this is certainly strange.

I was also able to login to admin remotely -- but only
from my Linux box at home, using Mozilla 1.2.1 (the server is at work).

No matter what I do with the security settings, I cannot login
from a Windows box.
This includes two Win 2000 boxes at home, with IE 6.0,
(on the same network as the home Linux box) and
one Win 2000 box at work (on a different network
than the Linux server at work).

So the problem is in the client, apparently.

Anyone have any ideas about how to fix it so IE works?

I set
Tools->Internet Options->Security
Tools->Internet Options->Privacy->Advanced
Allow all cookies
(1st & 3rd party), and checked
Always allow session cookies,
to no avail.

No cookies ever appear in the Win Cookies folder.


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Meanwhile, I can login to my account here at geeklog.net with exactly the same IE 6.0 settings on the same Win 2000 box.

So the problem must be due to something in both client and browser!

Surely someone else must have had this problem?

BTW, I can't see how it matters, but I did move the system files off the web server tree, as suggested.


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Registered: 12/31/03
Posts: 10
I am still having this problem......

It's probably going to prevent me from using Geeklog if I can't fix it.


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Registered: 07/16/02
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Have you tried deleting all your IE cookies as well. Closing down all IE browsers and the trying to login again ?

Have you tried NS or Opera browsers -- just as a troubleshooting aid?

Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com

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Registered: 12/31/03
Posts: 10
Quote by Blaine: Have you tried deleting all your IE cookies as well. Closing down all IE browsers and the trying to login again ?

Yes, several times.

Quote by Blaine:
Have you tried NS or Opera browsers -- just as a troubleshooting aid?

Don't have permission at work to install new browsers
on the Win box.

I will try it at home.

Can you tell me what the cfg entry
$_CONF['cookiesecure'] is for?
I can't find it documented anywhere.
$_CONF['cookiedomain'] either, for that matter.


appears to be somehwat out of date.

More curious behavior:
I can login as Admin to my home geeklog site from both a Win2k and Linux box at work.

But when I click Users under AdminsOnly, then click on a user link like Admin or Moderator, is just brings up the same page
again, instead of the user info as it should.

There is no entry in the geeklog error log.

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Quote by tomath2o:
Can you tell me what the cfg entry
$_CONF['cookiesecure'] is for?
I can't find it documented anywhere.
$_CONF['cookiedomain'] either, for that matter.

'cookiesecure' is used when you run your site over https. 'cookiedomain' should hold the domain of your site, but Geeklog will attempt to set it automatically, based on the 'site_url' variable.

Quote by tomath2o:

appears to be somehwat out of date.

It apparently is missing a few of the cookie variables.

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 12/31/03
Posts: 10
Quote by Blaine:
Have you tried NS or Opera browsers -- just as a troubleshooting aid?

I installed Netscape 7.1 at home.
It works! I can login to the work site from a Win box!

So. to summarize:

I have geeklog installed on a Linux RH7.1 box at work
(PHP v4.1.2).

When I login from home, using Mozilla 1.2.1 on RedHat9,
it accepts cookies from the work site fine, I can login & do everything.

When I login from home, using Netscape 7.1 on Win2k,
it accepts cookies from the work site fine, I can login & do everything.

When I login from home, using Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1, on the same Win2K box,
no cookies from the work site ever appear
in the Win2k cookies folder
even though I am using what is supposedly the absolute
minimum security settings for the browser
("Accept 1st and 3rd party cookies"
"always allow session cookies"
"security level low") .
Naturally I can't login either.

Cookies from my home geeklog site (inside the firewall)
and geeklog.net itself appear in the Win2K folder when I access and login to those sites, from the same browser with the
same settings
on the same machine.
I can login fine to those sites from the IE 6 browser.

So, the problem must be due to the joint interaction
of the IE 6 browser and the work server -- since the
client does work with other servers, and the server
does work with other clients.

Anybody have any idea why this is happening?

Is anyone else out there using an IE6/IE6-SP1 browser
to connect to geeklog on a RH7/8/9 Linux box and/or
a server running PHP 4.1.x?

(I am using the latest version of geeklog, 1.3.8-1sr3.)


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