Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, January 13 2025 @ 08:44 pm EST

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Geeklog Menu

Big Ajax

Currently, the Geeklog menu simply lists each menu option as text. The style.css can control how these options look. I want to know how to make them look like the options on www.cnn.com.

In other words, I want the options to list along the side as they now do, but each within a separate highlitable rectangle.

Can this be done easily? And how might one go about it?


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Which geeklog menu are you refering to? Are you refering to the menu plugin? There is the default geeklog 'menu' which often appears at the top of the page for most themes, and then there is the menu plugin which displays the menu in a block.


Big Ajax

I mean the "sections" menu that displays the topics.

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I was about to ask the same questions as exaurdon, but looking at cnn.com, you seem to be referring to the blocks that hold, for example, the Admin's menu.

Yes, you can do that. For each of the built-in menu blocks, there are two files that hold the HTML that Geeklog uses when it renders the normal and the currently selected entries of such a block.

For the Admin menu, those are adminoption.thtml and adminopton_off.thtml, for the user menu, they are useroption.thtml and useroption_off.thtml, and, finally, for the topics block, they are topicoption.thtml and topicoption.thtml.

bye, Dirk

Big Ajax

Yes. Thanks for the help. I'll take a look.


Ah. Can someone give an example of this. I wish to create a menu where the text apears in boxes as described in the first post.

Another great example is found on Blaine's site.

Can someone post an example? I have been at this for ages and have learned some great stuff. Unfortunately, I have not learned how to do what I want.



It's kinda built into the forums program.
If you pull up the pages for Forum Options.
You will see he made links at the top that do the same thing. Just they go across instead of up and down.

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