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How to add Flash to blocks!!

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Registered: 09/19/03
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2 ways to use Flash animation in blocks
Rating: easy

Putting Flash in your blocks is easily achieved in both Normal and PHP Blocks! I know you\'re anxious to get into it, but please read these few paragraphs first.

The method you use to call a Flash animation into a block will depend on how comfortable you are with editing configuration files for your website. If you\'re not one to go messing around with code that could potentially \"break\" your site, then you\'ll want to use the method for Normal blocks.

Also, if you don\'t know how to add blocks at this point, you\'re jumping in ahead of yourself. A lot of frustration can be avoided if you take the time to get to know your Geeklog, so go do that now, and I\'ll wait here for you.

You may use the sample animation below for testing purposes only. If you\'d like to use it as part of your layout, that\'s cool, but please do it on your own server, thanks! Download if for you own use here. (1k zip file)

OK, one final note as you get started. There is no need to remove any characters from the code below! You CAN cut and paste it into your favorite text editor!! Now, go on...tweak it...mess with it...and let everyone have a look!

Use this method to call Flash into a PHP Block.

function phpblock_flash()
global $_CONF;
$retval .= \'D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000\" id=\"ShockwaveFlash1\" width=\"75\" height=\"75\" align=\"center\">
param name=\"_cx\" value=\"1984\">
param name=\"_cy\" value=\"1984\">
param name=\"FlashVars\" value=\"-1\">
param name=\"Movie\" value=\"http://www.noiselesion.com/flash/kb_rev.swf\">
param name=\"Src\" value=\"http://www.noiselesion.com/flash/kb_rev.swf\">
param name=\"WMode\" value=\"Window\">
param name=\"Play\" value=\"-1\">
param name=\"Loop\" value=\"-1\">
param name=\"Quality\" value=\"High\">
param name=\"SAlign\" value=\"TR\">
param name=\"Menu\" value=\"-1\">
param name=\"Base\" value=\"http://www.noiselesion.com/flash/\">
param name=\"AllowScriptAccess\" value=\"always\">
param name=\"Scale\" value=\"ShowAll\">
param name=\"DeviceFont\" value=\"0\">
param name=\"EmbedMovie\" value=\"-1\">
param name=\"BGColor\" value>
param name=\"SWRemote\" value>
return $retval;

NOTE: Add the above code to your lib-custom.php file, located in /YourGeeklogDirectory/system/ and use phpblock_flash for the \"Block Function\" on your Block Editor page.

Use this method to call Flash into a NORMAL Block.

D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000\" id=\"ShockwaveFlash1\" width=\"75\" height=\"75\" align=\"center\" border=\"0\">
param name=\"_cx\" value=\"1984\">
param name=\"_cy\" value=\"1984\">
param name=\"FlashVars\" value=\"-1\">
param name=\"Movie\" value=\"http://www.noiselesion.com/flash/kb_rev.swf\">
param name=\"Src\" value=\"http://www.noiselesion.com/flash/kb_rev.swf\">
param name=\"WMode\" value=\"Window\">
param name=\"Play\" value=\"-1\">
param name=\"Loop\" value=\"-1\">
param name=\"Quality\" value=\"High\">
param name=\"SAlign\" value>
param name=\"Menu\" value=\"-1\">
param name=\"Base\" value=\"http://www.noiselesion.com/\">
param name=\"AllowScriptAccess\" value=\"always\">
param name=\"Scale\" value=\"ShowAll\">
param name=\"DeviceFont\" value=\"0\">
param name=\"EmbedMovie\" value=\"-1\">
param name=\"BGColor\" value \"#000000\">

NOTE: The above code will go into the \"Block Content\" box on your Block Editor page. Be sure to set the \"Block Type\" to Normal on that same page.

As you can see, there are many parameters that allow you much control over the animation. There are more as well. For more information, look up activeX controls in any search engine...someone must have done a tutorial.

I\'ve tested all of the presented code myself, but a posting with this much text formatting makes it easy to make mistakes! Please let me know if you find any!

peace, noise

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Registered: 09/27/03
Posts: 8
I've tried both the methods just the way you wrote up. But in both the cases, all I see is the code inside the block and not the flash animation. What am I missing? If it matters, the theme I use is TabularDynamics.


Quote by siridhar: I've tried both the methods just the way you wrote up. But in both the cases, all I see is the code inside the block and not the flash animation. What am I missing? If it matters, the theme I use is TabularDynamics.

There has to be a < at the beginning of the object classid

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For a real site you might want to think about adding an embed tag to your tags. If you look in the Flash manual it explains why and how.
Yes I am mental.

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Registered: 09/19/03
Posts: 13

sorry about the inconvenience.

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