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Comprehensive PHPBLOCK listing?

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Registered: 09/19/03
Posts: 13
Anyone know where to find a comprehensive listing of all the PHPBLOCKS that are available? I\'d sure appreciate it! Thanks, NOISE
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Where else can I get stuff for Geeklog? If something isn\'t listed on one of those sites then it doesn\'t exist Mr. Green bye, Dirk

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Registered: 09/19/03
Posts: 13
Thanks Dirk! Thanks for pointing that out. I have been there...ok, I\'ve been all over this site for the last few days...and hey...GL ROCKS! I\'ve been working with PHP for a couple of years...and only recently have I needed to manipulate any of it. I\'ve worked on a number of phpbb\'s, but wanted to try something new. Enter GL. I want to really learn it in and out and possibly begin developing a whole slew of new blocks.... Unfotunately, I\'ve been more of a java, html, and flash progger, so I\'m not totally well versed yet. And I don\'t know why...after all PHP is pretty much a say it like it is language huh? Razz At any rate, I\'m thinking that I\'ll be working on ways to incorporate more flash ani\'s...nothing to \"functional\" per se...but more for aesthetics. Anyone developed a round block yet? Mr. Green Thanks for the help! NOISE
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