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Calendar Upgrade

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all this calendar talk is making me drool. so far i understand there is a project underway with vinny and emagin. are the both of you still considering consolidating your efforts ? i really like the email notifications features in both these calendars.

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I understand emagin is working on porting webcalendar. I've pretty much frozen work on my calendar for the time being. I've been busy with other Geeklog work and I think emagin's work has a better chance of getting done more quickly.




Thanks Vinny. We were down for the holidays for a bit there, but slowly ramping up again. Will post something here in the next few days. I'd expect mid-January we'll see some decent beta work.

If anyone else wants to contribute to the cause feel free to paypal Big Grin

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We are still working on this. A sample to be released in about 7-10 days. Thanks for your patience.

What we are doing is:
Allow addition of .webcalendar security context to Groups
Any Group which is a part of .webcalendar becomes a CATEGORY for which to assign calendar items to.
Assign USERS to individual Groups (with .webcalendar context), and those USERS can see any CATEGORY of calendar items for the GROUPS to which they belong, but not others.
Allow assignment of ANONYMOUS to calendar entries

Display calendar entries:
When calendar items displayed, you can show:
ALL, Anonymous, CAT1, CAT2, CAT3, etc. (for those CATs for which USER belongs to CAT=GROUP here)

We found this is very useful in larger GL communities since your calendar will just fill up and overwhelm the end-user with tons of lines in each day.
This allows sysadmins to create Departments, or Groups within a GL community and allow these Departments to share calendars, but still print out separate calendars for just their department.

It also allows for a scenario in which a Board of Directors might have a calendar to share, but not want to make it visible to the other Departments in their community, whereas the Planning Committee and the Environment Committee (for ex.) might want to share calendars with each other.

I'm not quite sure about changing from users IN a group, to groups IN groups. We'll have to see how that works later on.

jack k

Is there any new information?

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We're getting closer and make an announcement shortly on the beta. It's taking a bit longer than usual as it's a fairly volunteer thing here and we are slammed.



Hey guys,

I'm really excited about this new calendar... Is there a status update and/or a release date?




I am not convinced this calendar upgrade is even going to happen. It seems like more work has been done on writing messages about it here than actually producing the darn thing.

That said, I'd LOVE to see a decent calendar plugin materialize one day.


I would find this extremely useful as well.

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Still working on this. Groups security is tough to translate that properly to who can see what in different categories of data on the calendar.

Meanwhile, here are some examples of good calendar implementations in PHP that are a good guide for featureset:

Kronophobia - School oriented, good GUI, groups (+), SSL (+)

PHP iCalendar - iCal, interoperability (+), Groups (+)

WebCalendar - Our favorite, looks quite mature with Groups (++) but complex, with good import/export possible Palm synch coming soon which we value

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If you can release a simple integration without group security, I am sure many people would be very happy. Their complaint about the current calender is mainly about the pain to post recurring events.

Most people use calenders on websites for public viewing. They are not good for privite use anyway because most people don't have the luxurious time to update their personal appointments on the web. Still, security features can be added in later.

In stead of wrapping someone else's calendar, I prefer to see upgrading the GL Calender codes itself to make it able to handle recurring events, like Vinny started to do a while back.

Sorry, if I sound instructive without being helpful. My other priorities are killing me, or I would definitly help out.



I agree. Public viewing is something I would be mainly interested in, and the recurring events is something that would be extremely useful for my own personal site.


I'm looking for a calendar that integrates with my stories. So a story can be an event topic and a summarised version goes in the calendar.

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Quote by emagin:PHP iCalendar - iCal, interoperability (+), Groups (+)

I have a version of PHPiCalendar that works with geeklog. It is at this point a basic integration but I am slowly changing that. I will put it up for people to play with in a few days.
Yes I am mental.

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Quote by drshakagee:
Quote by emagin:PHP iCalendar - iCal, interoperability (+), Groups (+)

I have a version of PHPiCalendar that works with geeklog. It is at this point a basic integration but I am slowly changing that. I will put it up for people to play with in a few days.

I'd LOVE to try this. I'm very new to GL (have only been playing around with demos, and visting sites created with GL). A calendar with good repeating event support is critical in my final selection of a CMS.

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I'm happy to report that we are a couple of days away from releasing a calendar update that incorporates security-based categories for events, so that you can show one/many categories of events on a page.

These are code modifications, we are nowhere near doing a plugin, but I hope it will be useful.

At the moment this is a direct code update to GL code, not an integration with other calendar tools, which proved a bit complex and time consuming.


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Will the new upgrade allow me to add repeating events, Weekly or Monthly?

Thanks in advance,
Jack K

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We've included the simple hack that was already posted before that lets you do basic X repeat (week month) but not Outlook style (last thursday of month, every other, etc.)

The code is now done and we are going to upload the DIFF and the hack instructions to Downloads at geeklog.net

Note: This is a HACK not a plugin, because calendar is so integrated into application. It's a first cut.

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Thank's Can you let me know when and where I can download it?



Has there been any progress on the upgrade?

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