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Staticpages/journal plugins hacks

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Registered: 07/25/03
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Location:Sheffield, UK
Static Pages Improved url re-writing, lifted from gallery, tired of http://www.domain.tld/staticpages/index.php/somepage? Fear not, I use gallery integration and stole this idea from there. Create a .htaccess file, and add the following:
Text Formatted Code

Options +FollowSymLinks

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /staticpages/
RewriteRule ^([^.?/]+)/$    /staticpages/$1 [R]
RewriteRule ^([^.?/]+)$     /staticpages/index.php?page=$1  [QSA]


Funky. Journal Plugin I got the latest code from CVS, then added the ability to extend the mood list just by dropping mood emoticons into a folder. Yay. Also got the journal entry view templated and working on this further. I mailed the guy who seems to be working on the plugin to ask if I could add my code to CVS but no reply. Anyway, if you are interested in it, let me know. (Not posting the code yet incase this post prompts interest from the maintainers) Enjoy the staticpages hack ;-) [edit]Something really odd is going on with this formating...[/edit]

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Quote by THEMike:I mailed the guy who seems to be working on the plugin to ask if I could add my code to CVS but no reply.
That\'s because the guy can\'t make up his mind how to proceed with the development of the Journal plugin Mr. Green The Journal is really Tony\'s project and I only did a few careful edits so far. I have a few ideas, but didn\'t want to rush things. Things are even more confused now that people seem to start using the CVS version while I was actually thinking about making one or two incompatible changes to it ... Oh well. Maybe someone should fork this thing. It\'s GPLed after all ... bye, Dirk

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Registered: 07/25/03
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Location:Sheffield, UK
heh oh it\'s you is it ;-) Could have at least replied to say what you just said... never mind... What \"incompatible\" changes were you considering?

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Location:Sheffield, UK
Couple of people emailed me asking for this code: http://www.skinmaster.co.uk/downloads/php/Journal.zip I don\'t have access to my email right now as my ADSL is down, but I\'ll drop them a line later. In the process of setting up a CVS for a fork of the plugin, and finishing off this stuff. Please note the contents of the templates folder needs to be moved to /journals Mike

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Location:Sheffield, UK
Version 1.8 of the functions.inc (and I suspect all earlier versions) have a couple of icky bugs in the pagination down the bottom (i.e. it doesn't display the last page if it's a partial page (less than 30 items) and it doesn't do the next link correctly)
here is a fixed version of the function

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