Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, January 19 2025 @ 07:01 pm EST

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Static Pages 1.2 with GeekLog v1.3.7sr1

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Registered: 04/13/03
Posts: 15
Hi there... does this plugin work with my version of Geeklog? Perhaps I should have made sure before trying to upgrade this plug-in, but I did it, and now I\'m having problems. I followed the directions included and disabled the old static pages plugin, uploaded the included files (I triple-checked to make sure I got them all) and I\'m getting parse errors when viewing my previous static pages, and when I go into the admin section to edit them and click on the links, none of them are working. When I hover over the links I\'m seeing {page_display_url}, {page_clone_url} and {page_edit_url} And of course if I click on them I get /interactive/admin/plugins/staticpages/%7Bpage_display_url%7D could not be found. I\'m going to rundown the files I uploaded and where. I created a NEW directory in public_html/plugins called /staticpages and uploaded all of the files there. Then I moved the contents of the admin folder to public_html/admin/plugins/staticpages/ I tried both dropping the whole admin folder in there and also just uploading the contents of the admin folder, in case I was getting it wrong. And then I put everything that was in the public_html folder to public_html/staticpages/. Did I do this correctly? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
First of all - if you are really running on Geeklog 1.3.7sr1 then please upgrade to 1.3.7sr2 immediately. As for the static pages 1.2: That version should work but it seems you didn\'t replace all the files properly. Specifically, I think you\'re still using the old functions.inc file. bye, Dirk

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Registered: 04/13/03
Posts: 15
I ended up having to restore the geeklog from backups. There wasn\'t a functions.inc in my download that I recall, which would definitely explain why it didn\'t work. I recall downloading it from an Australian site and not the official GLplugs site, so maybe I had the wrong files. I saw a couple other people on the forums that had the same problem. I\'m just going to leave it alone. Every time I try to upgrade anything with Geeklog it screws up my database and I have to restore it. I did install the security upgrade for sr1 a couple weeks ago after I couldn\'t get 1.3.8 to work. Dirk, if you\'ll do a paid upgrade to 1.3.8, please drop me an email and let me know.

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