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ping weblogs.com BLOCK

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Registered: 01/27/03
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GEEKLOG BLOCK: weblogs.com PING block WEBLOGS.com is a site that lists the links to weblogs that have just updated. To participate you or your weblog needs to "PING" the weblog site. the quick & html way is to just do this: 1. create a new block called PING WEBLOGS 2. block name : pingweblogs 3. block type : NORMAL 4. Normal Block Options Block Content:<center><a href="http://newhome.weblogs.com/pingSiteForm?name=NAMEOFYOURBLOG&url=http%3A%2F%2Fyoursite.com">PING WEBLOGS.COM</a></center> 5. be sure to change the NAMEOFYOURBLOG and yoursite.com to your infos. 6. Access Rights Group: ROOT 7. Permissions: CHECK BOXES FOR OWNER ONLY!!!!!! 8. We are doing this so the PING WEBLOGS geeklog block only shows up for admins. 9. Now when you have a new article/story posted be sure to click the ping weblogs link to have your site listed on their huge list. Conclusion: basically just have the link anywhere in your admin area. You could automate this, see story from: http://ironfeather.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=20;t=19 the php code from : http://www.yaysoft.com/weblogs.phps have phun! stevyn
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Registered: 10/03/04
Posts: 6
Thank you. This was BEAUTIFUL.
With slight modifications, it also works perfectly with TECHNORATI.COM.

Code for that is:

I threw in the subdirectory because my weblog needed one, and the target="new" bit because after I ping, I just want to shut those windows and still be on my site.

Suspensewriter :: Writing: it's just one damned word after another


is there any way to automate this with each story that's added?

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Registered: 08/05/03
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Location:The Netherlands, where else?
You could try to automate it with a cronjob
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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