Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, October 06 2024 @ 06:51 am EDT

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Hi all, I have finished writing an improved Shoutbox block for Geeklog, based on the Emessage nodeball for the Everything engine as seen on perlmonks. First, here's the SQL code to create the necessary table: # # Table structure for table 'gl_chatterblock' # CREATE TABLE gl_chatterblock ( id int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment, time int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, ip char(16) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, author_user int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, for_user int(10) unsigned, checkoff int(10) unsigned, msgtext char(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); And you'll have to add this to lib-database.php: $_TABLES['chatterblock'] = $_DB_table_prefix . 'chatterblock'; And here's the diff to apply to a Geeklog 1.3.5sr1 installation to prevent commas from being used in usernames: --- geeklog-1.3.5sr1/public_html/users.php Sun Jun 9 23:26:51 2002 +++ users.php Sat Jul 6 23:34:59 2002 @@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ { global $_TABLES, $_CONF, $LANG04; + $username = strip_tags(str_replace(",", ".", $username)); $result = DB_query("SELECT email FROM WHERE username = '$username'"Wink; $nrows = DB_numRows($result); if ($nrows == 1) { @@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ { global $_TABLES, $LANG04, $_CONF; + $username = strip_tags(str_replace(",", ".", $username)); $ucount = DB_count($_TABLES['users'],'username',$username); $ecount = DB_count($_TABLES['users'],'email',$email); @@ -371,6 +373,7 @@ $display .= COM_siteFooter(); break; default: + $loginname = strip_tags(str_replace(",", ".", $loginname)); if (!empty($loginname) && !empty($passwd)) { $mypasswd = COM_getPassword($loginname); } else { And finally, here's the block: /** * Chatterblock * Inspired by the Chatterbox on http://perlmonks.org/ * Code based on Shoutbox by dreamscape: * http://www.geeklog.net/article.php?story=20020125060211603 * * This code is placed in the public domain. * */ function phpblock_Chatterblock() { global $_TABLES, $_USER, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $HTTP_GET_VARS, $PHP_SELF, $REMOTE_ADDR; // Maximum number of characters allowed in a word $max_width = 20; // Maximum number of lines to display in the chatterblock $max_display = 10; // Maximum length of time to display a line in the chatterblock $max_time = 300; // seconds // Where Chatterblock instructions are located; set to "" to disable link $howto_url = "http://example.com/staticpages/index.php?page=12345"; $cb_out = ""; foreach ($HTTP_POST_VARS as $key => $value) { // Check for checked off private messages if (substr($key, 0, 7) == 'cb_del_') { $id = addslashes(substr($key, 7, strlen($key)-7)); $query = 'update '.$_TABLES['chatterblock'] . ' set checkoff='.time() . ' where for_user='.$_USER['uid'].' &&' . " id='".$id."'"; DB_query($query); } } // Quote special characters to prevent abuse and mistakes $HTTP_POST_VARS['cb_message'] = htmlspecialchars($HTTP_POST_VARS['cb_message']); if ( !empty($_USER['uid']) && !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['cb_message']) ) { if (substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['cb_message'], 0, 5) == '/msg ' || substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['cb_message'], 0, 3) == '/t ' || substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['cb_message'], 0, 6) == '/tell ') { $commapos = strpos($HTTP_POST_VARS['cb_message'], ','); if (!is_integer($commapos)) { $cb_out .= "Use comma after the name for targeted chat.<br>"; $cb_out .= '<em>You wrote: '.$HTTP_POST_VARS['cb_message'].'</em><br>'; $cb_needs_hr = 1; } else { $spacepos = strpos($HTTP_POST_VARS['cb_message'], ' '); $target = substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['cb_message'], $spacepos+1, $commapos-$spacepos-1); $message = substr($HTTP_POST_VARS['cb_message'], $commapos+1, strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS['cb_message'])-$commapos-1); if (substr($message, 0, 1) == ' ') { $message = substr($message, 1, strlen($message)-1); } $targetuid = cb_getuidbyname($target); $query = "insert into ".$_TABLES['chatterblock'] . "(msgtext, author_user, time, for_user, ip) values (" . "'".COM_checkWords($message)."'," . "'".$_USER['uid']."'," . time().", '$targetuid', '$REMOTE_ADDR')"; if (empty($targetuid)) { $cb_out .= "That person is not available now.<br>"; $cb_out .= '<em>You wrote: '.$HTTP_POST_VARS['cb_message'].'</em><br>'; $cb_needs_hr = 1; } else { DB_query($query); $cb_out_tail = "<em>You said \"$message\" to $target</em><br>"; } } } else { $query = "insert into ".$_TABLES['chatterblock'] . "(msgtext, author_user, time, for_user, ip) values (" . "'".COM_checkWords($HTTP_POST_VARS['cb_message'])."'," . "'".$_USER['uid']."'," . time().", NULL, '$REMOTE_ADDR')"; DB_query($query); } } $query = 'select * from '.$_TABLES['chatterblock'] . ' where for_user = "'.$_USER['uid'].'" && checkoff is null'; $result = DB_query($query); for ($i = 0; $i < DB_numrows($result); $i++) { $row = DB_fetchArray($result); $cb_out .= '<input type=checkbox name=cb_del_'.$row['id'].' value=y>' . '<em>'.cb_getnamebyuid($row['author_user']).' says: ' . wordwrap($row['msgtext'], $max_width, ' ', 1) . '</em><br>'; } if (DB_numrows($result) != 0 || $cb_needs_hr) { $cb_out .= '<hr>'; } $query = 'select * from '.$_TABLES['chatterblock'] . ' where time > "'.(time()-$max_time).'" && for_user is null' . ' order by id desc limit '.$max_display; $result = DB_query($query); for ($i = 0; $i < DB_numrows($result); $i++) { $row = DB_fetchArray($result); if (substr($row['msgtext'], 0, 4) == '/me ' || substr($row['msgtext'], 0, 3) == '/e ' || substr($row['msgtext'], 0, 4) == '/em ' || substr($row['msgtext'], 0, 7) == '/emote ') { $spacepos = strpos($row['msgtext'], ' '); $text = substr($row['msgtext'], $spacepos+1, strlen($row['msgtext'])-$spacepos-1); $line = '<em>'.cb_getnamebyuid($row['author_user']).' ' . wordwrap($text, $max_width, ' ', 1) . '</em><br>'; } else { $line = '<b>&lt;</b>' . cb_getnamebyuid($row['author_user']) . '<b>&gt;</b> ' . wordwrap($row['msgtext'], $max_width, ' ', 1).'<br>'; } $lines = $line . $lines; } $cb_out .= $lines; $loc = $PHP_SELF . '?'; foreach ($HTTP_GET_VARS as $getkey => $getvalue) { $loc .= urlencode($getkey) . '=' . urlencode($getvalue) . '&'; } $loc = substr($loc, 0, -1); $cb_out = "<form name=chatterblock action='$loc' method='post'>" . $cb_out; if (DB_numrows($result) == 0) { $cb_out .= "<em>and all is quiet...</em><br>"; } $cb_out .= "<br>" . $cb_out_tail; if (!empty($_USER['uid'])) { $cb_out .= "<input type=text name='cb_message' size='$max_width' maxwidth='255'>"; $cb_out .= "<input type=submit name='cb_submit' value='talk'>"; } $cb_out .= "</form>"; if (!empty($howto_url)) { $cb_out .= "<a href='$howto_url'><small><i>How do I use this?</i></small></a>"; } $cb_out .= "\n"; return str_replace("\\", "&#92;", $cb_out); } function cb_getnamebyuid($uid) { global $_TABLES; $query = 'select uid,username from '.$_TABLES['users']." where uid='$uid'"; $result = DB_fetchArray(DB_query($query)); return $result['username']; } function cb_getuidbyname($name) { global $_TABLES; $query = 'select uid,username from '.$_TABLES['users']." where username='$name'"; $result = DB_fetchArray(DB_query($query)); return $result['uid']; } Enjoy! Let me know in a comment to this story if you find any problems or make any improvements. (Erm, yuck... what horrible formatting. Could you please add <pre> tags (and set this story to HTML) before approving it? Thanks.)

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FYI: Geeklog 1.3.6 will have support for the equivalent of the <pre> tag. However, with that much amount of code, it's usually easier to offer it for download somewhere ... bye, Dirk

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yes, can you please conpile it and i believe you already have them, just compress them and have them on your site for us to download please? It quite messy to see those codes that way...thanks!

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A simple package of the block including a README and a .sql file for the table would be nice :-)

In addition, if you wouldn't mind can you upload the package here. I'm trying to keep track of all the GL blocks, themes, plugins, ect.


In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates?

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I packaged up the block myself...you can download it here.
In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates?


Ha ha, it seems I uploaded the file at the same time as squatty.


Any idea where I can see this code in action?

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Registered: 02/26/02
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Sure - I have it installed on my site. I also created a help page (linked to a staticpage). I've integrated my IP-Plot hack as well. Blaine

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