Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, February 17 2025 @ 05:56 am EST

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Feature suggestion


For whatever reason I was under the impression that each user can change the layout of the screen after they choose which blocks / plugins they want to use. However after creating a non-admin account for myself I realized that it is not the case.

So, I figured this may be a HUGE driving force for the next GL release (probably a major release). With such capabality I am sure the corporate world would pick up on GL. Just think about it, being able to select what you want to see on a portal site and place it wherever you want it (left or right, order from top to bottom).

Whoever is reading this and has programming knowledge may even be able to accomplish this via a plugin to be an option under "user functions". The layout can be like the Block Admin area without all the fancy things so it should/could only include: Enable check box, side and block order without the power of changing block name, type and options. Enuff of my ranting Smile Thanks for any considerations.


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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Well, you can't change the order of blocks or on which side they appear, but you can switch off blocks from your display preferences. bye, Dirk


I am aware of this. But in theory, it should be possible to place the config file into each user's profile so that they could move the blocks around with out the power of editing/deleting them. Just a suggestion Smile

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Err, not quite. In theory, we could offer preferences so that users could move the blocks around (the block order and side are stored in the database, not config.php). Post a feature request or send code ... bye, Dirk

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