Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 12:56 am EDT

Geeklog Forums

Tru Azn Just Got Geeked.


I Just upgraded from another portal called web-app. This one is MUCH more customizable (sp?) and easier to use! Thanks to the Geeklog team!!! Mr. Mischief http://truazn.com >>Applications now being accepted for the position of .sig, no experience necessary.


You did a really nice job, but your page is way too wide. I have a 17" screen. When I expanded the browser to fill the entire screen, I still get a horizontal scroll bar and can't see the right blocks on your page. I think the nowrap in your header is causing this. In my opinion, it's better to let the links wrap rather than have a page where a person needs like a 21" screen to see it in full and without horizontal scroll bars. Maybe someday we'll all have screens this size, but today well over half the people are still using 800 x 600.


Thanks for the comment... I never thought to check. I gotta 17", but run 1600x1200.

All times are EDT. The time is now 12:56 am.

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