Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 12:53 am EDT

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Another Installer Questions from a Newbie...


Okay, I'm almost to the end of the install, struggling every step of the way. Others have gotten the "104" error, cannot connect to DB...so did I. I tried Dirk's suggestion for the SQL query into phpmyadmin, and got an error in phpmyadmin. Database palmcour_geeklog running on localhost Error SQL-query : GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON palmcour_geeklog TO palmcour_geeklog@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password' MySQL said: Access denied for user: 'palmcour@localhost' to database 'mysql' (Yes, of course I changed the password to match that in my config.php file) I changed the lib-common as instructed Any ideas on how to beat this problem??


you sure localhost is the db server? at my host it's on a diff server ie db34.webhost.com


Are you using Apache on windows by any chance? I had problems like that. Now I use IIS. good luck

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Registered: 06/30/02
Posts: 31
To grant privileges on a database requires modifications to the mysql database itself. This can only be achieved by the MySQL "root" user (for obvious reasons). If you have control of the phpMyAdmin installation, execute the GRANT query as the MySQL "root" user. If you don't have the required permissions to do this then ask your server administrator to do the grant for you. In fact, granting all privileges on the database is a little dangerous. Read the Geeklog documentation to see what privileges are actually required and just apply those. Regards, Neil Darlow M.Sc.


Thanks, guys and/or gals. Yes, I'm sure "localhost" is correct, and yes, I suspect that you're right about root access being required to execute the GRANT query. I'm going to try again from scratch to install. Practice makes for comprehension with me...when it fails similarly, I'll have the server admin do the GRANT. Muchas gracias. It's tough being new.

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