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Converting geeklog site to static html?

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Registered: 08/02/02
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Hi, folks- I used geeklog to run a website for a university course I was teaching. The term is now finished, and though I'd like to keep the website up for my (and the students') future reference, I'd like to convert it to a static set of html pages (to get rid of php/mysql overhead and allow me to move the site wholesale to a server without php/mysql access). Is there a way to do this -- i.e., basically take a snapshot of a site, keeping the links (though not necessarily the search capability or other interactive features) intact but making everything static?

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Why not use an Offline Browser program?

That link is to some freeware stuff that I found using Google, but personally I've used Teleport Pro before and liked it quite a bit.



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Another alternative is to use Adobe Acrobat's Web Capture feature. This will create a single searchable PDF document that contains everything on the site.


In theory you might be able to use "wget -m". This should recursively suck down the web site into a directory. Haven't tried it myself however...


Creates a lot of pages as it follows stuff like the calendar to the bitter end...


I'm very surprised a university professor would take a huge step backwards and want a website with only static html unless your course material rarely changes. MySQL and PHP definitely have an overhead but make it far easier to maintain a website. Any site grabbing software should be able to do what you want. Your own students are good sources to ask.

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I like this idea best. SImple and easy... =) ---Nuke...


He can limit the directories or pages wget sucks up. Wait until he sees the huge amount of pages from his curriculum alone.

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Well, I'll continue to use Geeklog for future iterations of the course, but I want to start each year fresh (i.e., with most student contributions removed) while also maintaining an archive of previous years. I also want to shut down all of the interactive features (except possibly searching) in-between years so I don't accumulate irrelevant comments. (It's a course in evolutionary genetics, and sites about evolution tend to attract the wackos -- many of whom can't resist posting their unhelpful views). Ideally, the website would remain more or less identical to its original state (i.e., PDF archives wouldn't work): I want not only an archive for my own edification, but a demo to show current and prospective future employers what I've done.

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Registered: 08/02/02
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Well, I get the definite impression that there's no facility within Geeklog itself to do what I want, so wget it is. FYI, the wget command I've used (and which seems to work) is: wget -r -N -l 10 -E http://address.of.geeklog/path/to/geeklog the -l 10 sets the recursion depth to 10 (YMMV); the -E adds .html to the end of the filenames of all downloaded text files. Then I did a grep search & replace to put an .html in the appropriate place in all links in all the downloaded files. I also had to replace all instances of the string "php?" (minus quotes) with "php%3F", though I didn't seem to need to do the same with equals signs within links. Et voila. As far as I can tell, this gives a cosmetically perfect rendition of my geeklog as it stood when I did the wget. Obviously all interactive features (posting, commenting, searching, logging in) are disabled, but that's what I wanted. Thanks for the suggestions.

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