Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, September 09 2024 @ 02:54 pm EDT

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It's up, now more questions

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Registered: 05/02/03
Posts: 58
Okay I successfully installed GL after I finally got the paths right. Now I have a few more questions. I've tried to find these answers here with no luck. 1. Is there a way to turn off the ability to email other members system wide? 2. Can individual users say they don't want to receive emails from others? 3. Is there a way to customize the emails that are sent out when a person registers? 4. Is there a way, using the member security settings, for one type member to be able to see the "teaser" text of a story but have to be another user type to read the rest of it? Hope that makes sense. I'm sure I'll have more questions later. Thanks in advance for any help.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany

1. + 2. No. You could remove the "send email" option from the template files, though.

3. I wrote a hack for that some time ago (it may need some minor adjustments).

4. No. Since the "teaser" and the body are part of the same record in the database (and hence share the permissions) this is not possible without some code modifications.

bye, Dirk


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Registered: 05/04/03
Posts: 6
I have added a hack to 'lock' articles. For each article that you only want to give access to logged in users, add [locked] in to body of the article in edit mode, and modify lib-common.php to add the following hack lines to the COM_article function (works for GL 1.3.6 - may need to be different in 1.3.7). Be sure to backup the file before making these changes! You could easily implement this in a few other ways too. function COM_article( $A, $index='' ) { global $_TABLES, $mode, $_CONF, $LANG01, $_USER, $LANG05; $curtime = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat( $A['day'] ); $A['day'] = $curtime[0]; // start My Hack if ($index == 'n' && strpos($A['bodytext'], '[locked]') !== false) { if (!SEC_inGroup('Logged-in Users',$_USER['uid'])) { $errorblock = new Template( $_CONF['path_layout'] ); $errorblock->set_file( 'errorblock', 'lockedform.thtml' ); $errorblock->set_var('site_url', $_CONF['site_url']); $errorblock->parse( 'finaltext', 'errorblock' ); $kak = $errorblock->finish( $errorblock->get_var( 'finaltext' )); $errorbox .= COM_startBlock("Subscribers Only"Wink .$kak .COM_endBlock() .COM_siteFooter(); echo $errorbox; die; } $A['bodytext'] = str_replace( '[locked]', '', $A['bodytext'] ); } // end My Hack

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
How's that different from simply unchecking the "anonymous" permission checkbox? bye, Dirk

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This way you can have locked articles where the intro can be seen. Anonymous users can see the intro, but get a login box when they try and read more. I will be using it for a site where only subscribers can read the all full articles, but some full articles are available to anonymous users.

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Registered: 05/02/03
Posts: 58
Hi, Thanks for the code - at least you were trying to help. However I got an error about paths. The rest of the site is up and running fine. I'm using the latest version. Is there something that needs to be different with the newest version? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Registered: 05/02/03
Posts: 58
Actually I must have been doing something wrong the other day. This works great - now that it's working. Thanks a million for this. This is just what I needed! Now I just need to play with it and add other groups to the list like paid subscribers.


Is this method still current ?

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