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Paid/Free site - how to handle?

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Registered: 05/02/03
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Here's what I would like to do if possible: have one GL site where a visitor sees different content based on the user type. Free visitors see some, registered visitors see more, and paid visitors see it all. Dirk said that the user security was perfect for this. However there is one aspect I'm not sure of. If I was using a static or directory based content system, when my credit card processor approved a purchase they would automatically put the user ID and password in .htaccess for the paid content in a certain directory. But since this setup isn't directory based I don't think that would work. Any ideas? Thanks.

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There are a couple of subscription-based Geeklog sites around, but I don't know how they update the status of their users. From Geeklog's point of view, you would simply create a new group, say, "subscribers". Then you would assign any stories that only subscribers should be able to see to that group (unchecking the "anonymous" and "members" checkboxes). You could then simply add any new subscriber to the "subscribers" group and they would get access to those stories immediately. The same method can be used on topics, events, links, and just about any other Geeklog object that uses the permission system. You only need to find a convenient way to keep your user's status up to date. I'm sure some of those with a subscription site will comment on this ... bye, Dirk


can you tell us some of those subscription sites so we can contact them to ask?

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If you want static pages to hold premium content not easily accessible by anonymous users simply upgrade your static page plugin to the latest version. It supports security features such as what groups to allow access and deny... Staticpage 1.2 plugin can be found on this site in the plugins section. Good luck Smile---Victor B. Gonzalez
Victor B. Gonzalez -

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Registered: 05/02/03
Posts: 58
The problem is basically this: Credit card processor handles the payment and issues a password/username to access the paid content. Different processors handle this differently. That password/username isn't known to GL so GL doesn't know that this person goes in a "paid" user group. Another way they handle it is to say here is the location of your content and direct you to a protected folder handled by .htacces. As far as I know that method won't work with GL if you use the built-in user levels to basically have all content, free and paid, at the same place and the right users see the right content. I could handle this manually by adding the paid users to the proper groups by hand but wish there was a good workaround. Along the working around idea are the usernames and passwords readable outside GL or are they encrypted or something? Thanks.

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Registered: 06/20/03
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I have the same problem: I need to provide basic content for anonymous users and extensive access to paid subscribers. Problem is, how to integrate taking payment information and enabling a user\'s account, then disabling it at the \"drop-dead\" date automatically. This can all be handled manually, but I have 70,000 magazine subscribers for one magazine, and if even 5 percent of them subscribe to the online content as weel I\'ll have a logistical nightmare if it has to be done manually. Any suggestions from anyone who manages or has developed a pay-based Geeklog site would be greatly appreciated. Marc
How you look depends on where you've been (!)


What are you using now?

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Registered: 08/30/03
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I have some code that handles this exact issue from dreamcost.com called dreamaccount. Their base product is $150 and they sell a GL module for $50. They support about 10 different online payment options. Unfortunately none of them do adult content so I am stuck hacking the code....... Right now I am taking the cgi from my payment processor which is perl and combining it with the dreamcost code.

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