Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, September 01 2024 @ 12:55 am EDT

Geeklog Forums

Admin/Mod logging in problems.


My Geeklog site is having a problem where when a Admin or Moderator trys login to the site...the site does not load at all. We first thought it was just the server lagging, but we went on a friends computer who was not a admin, and that person was able to view the entire site and log in with no problems. When we went on a friends computer with our admin login/password, and then same problems started occuring, it didnt load whatsoever. Then the friend tried logging in again..but this time she experience the same problems. We tried deleting the cookies, deleting temporary internet files...but no luck. It only happens with staff accounts. Not regular member accounts. But when a staff account logs in on someone elses computer, then there computer will start experiencing the problem too. Any help is much appreciative!


I was having a similair problem a while ago. The problem, for me, turned out to be in my chatterblock plugin. Apparently, there were extra blank lines in the config file that werepreventing me from logging in. I would try checking any plugin files you might have installed.

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