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Puzzling error log message

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Registered: 10/10/02
Posts: 105
Location:Ottawa, Canada

I take a look at my error.log every once in a while to see whether everything is going smoothly with my site. I have been able to understand all the error messages except the following:

Wed Jan 15 00:09:52 2003 - 1105: File '/var/lib/mysql/rv8/gl_pollvoters.MYD' not found (Errcode: 23) SQL in question: DELETE FROM gl_pollvoters WHERE date

I can't look in the directory in question, because only the owner, mysql, has read permissions (as expected).

If I look at the GL tables with phpMyAdmin, can't see anything strange about this table, other than the fact that it can't be browsed.

Note: I ran one poll many weeks ago, but it has been closed. I tried viewing this poll as an anonymous user, and I was able to view it, and this did not trigger a new error message. I suppose the gl_pollvoters table is emptied once the poll is closed. I created a new poll that only I can view, and it appears to work correctly.

Can anyone explain this error message? Do I have a problem that needs dealing with?

Thank you,

Kevin Horton

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