Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, February 18 2025 @ 11:36 am EST

Geeklog Forums

YANQ - Yet another Newb question


Ok, I like the way this portal looks and I want to use it for my site but I am not exactly an expert on mysql, php, etc. I have followed the install instructions and have read and re-read them numerous times but I still can't get my site running. I get to the first part aboutt he path and once that "looks" correct I try to go to step 2 and fail with an error. Why exactly is there a public_html folder? There is no documentation on that folder and my webhost already uses a public_html folder. I wanted to set this up in a "test" folder before making the changeover but so far I am having no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
It would help if you would quote the error you're getting ... The public_html folder is there exactly because it is often there on a webhost. In other words: Copy everything that is inside Geeklog's public_html folder into the public_html folder on your webserver. bye, Dirk


Ahh that makes sense but, I want to test this first in a test folder before coverting my site over. so far I have tried moving everything out of the pub-html folder into the test folder and still no go.. it wants my path to geeklog to be my main folder which it isn't. I might be overlooking something soo I will go over again this evening.

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
If you want to test it locally, why not leave the public_html folder where it is? Also, when the install script asks for your "path to Geeklog", it refers to the directory where the config.php is located. bye, Dirk


I did leave the pub html folder in my test folder but there are issues for some odd reason.. I will have to c&p the exact error later this evening.

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