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Mass mail problem

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Registered: 02/20/02
Posts: 179
I have just migrate a site over to another but i did a fresh installation of GL 1.3.7, exported the user table and re-imported it into the new site's mySQL database. All is fine but when i use mass mail, it shows: "Successfully sent 2 messages and unsuccessfully sent 0 messages. If you need them, the details of each message attempts is below. Otherwise you can Send another message or you can go back to the administration page. Failures No failures Successes Geeklog SuperUser Moderator" Why only 2? I have 13 users all together. Was there anything i did wrong in importing? am i not suppose to do it? i can still log in as moderator and admin using the password and userID is change to on my old site and now using that same userID and password, i can log into the new site.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Which user group did you select when sending the mail? As the note on the top of the mail utility form says, you need to select "Logged-in users" to send mail to all your users. bye, Dirk

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Registered: 02/20/02
Posts: 179
hi dirk, yes i did select Logged-in users before sendnign out the mail and it returned that. Why? Anyhting i did wrong in importing?---http://www.etegration.com http://itcow.etegration.com


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