Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, February 14 2025 @ 04:29 am EST

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Directory Structure

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Registered: 12/17/01
Posts: 13
A friend of mine is looking to start his own website and liked the way my GL page was setup so he asked me to set his up the same way. I spotted a problem when I logged into his account and realized that his web host doesn't have the ability to setup linked directories or allow users to add something that tells the web server to point to a certain directory other then the default for the account.

So then I looked to see what it would take to change everything so there isn't a public_html directory and it looked like it would require a ton of changes. Am I wrong in this, or is there a much easier way?
Trying to be different, just like everyone else.

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Not sure if I understand your problem, so I'll just tell you something about Geeklog's directory structure and hope that it helps ... Basically, a Geeklog installation consists of two parts: The part that is visible "to the world" - which is everything in the public_html directory. "public_html" is a popular name for that world-accessible directory you'll find on a webserver ("htdocs" is another). So if you have such a directory, just copy everything from Geeklog's public_html directory into that directory on your webserver. Then you only need to set up $_CONF['path_html'] (in config.php) to point to that directory. The other part of Geeklog, which is everything outside the public_hml directory, should not be accessible via a URL since it contains sensitive information. So you should really put that stuff outside of your document root (i.e. outside the web server's public_html or htdocs directory). Then you only need to set up $_CONF['path'] (again, in config.php) to point to wherever you put all that stuff. Now, on some hosting services, you can't put anything outside the document root. In that case, your best bet would be to make a directory, e.g. "geeklog", inside the document root and put everything else into it (again, $_CONF['path'] needs to point to that directory). In this case, you should really have .htaccess and .htpasswd files to prevent access to that directory (if your host supports this). So, as you can see, you can move the two main parts of a Geeklog installation around freely and all you need to do is to make sure that the two variables $_CONF['path'] and $_CONF['path_html'] point to wherever you put those. No need for code changes ... bye, Dirk


To continue this, it seems to me that if you want to host multiple GL sites on the same server, you need one copy of 'public_html' for each site, but the rest of the code can be shared between sites. Is this a sensible idea?

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