Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Wednesday, January 22 2025 @ 02:12 pm EST

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Does anyone have a GL site hosted by PhpWebHosting.com? I need to change host urgently (mine seems incompatible with the computer system all my users use) and would like to check that I can see a site there. Otherwise, does anyone know a cheap phpwebhost? Cheers, Euan.
-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small



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I believe Tony can provide hosting for people that need to run Geeklog. The advantage is that you will be on his server with access to him for support. If you're in Canada, please think about hosting with outofcontrol.ca in Montreal. They charge 30 bucks a month hosting for Geeklog. See the site for further information. The price is in Candian funds, so it's around 18 bucks US a month. The server is located in New Jersey and hosted by datapipe.com I believe they charge more for corporate use (due to higher bandwidth needs and email addresses etc). I host on this server myself, I run multiple copies of Geeklog and the admin is very skilled in PHP, MySQL and other languages. knuckles

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Err sorry, the server is not hosted by datapipe.com, it's *co-located* with datapipe.com (mentioned that incase you want to see the bandwidth speeds that would be available to you). knuckles

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I use them for the www.misc.com.au site. Support is pretty good, servers are fast, plenty of options, damn cheap. I'd recommend them. You get 100M and a mysql database out of the box .. with extra databases and diskapce on request. Oh, you'll need to request a SSH connection, but it's just a step to go through, no extra cost. Unlimited real POP email and lists also. Do it. Do it today. Smile
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That's a great price and I would suggest you compliment that with another Canadian service - EasyDNS to host your DNS. They have a great DNS Service record and their web admin control is feature rich and easy to use. You don't have to register the domain with them but you can.

Very handy when you want to:

  • Add a new (or change) subdomain like myportal.domain.ca
  • Change your server IP or move to a new ISP
  • Use DynamicDNS in case your server is running at home and it's IP will change
  • Want to setup alias mail addresses
  • Map any emailaddress@yourdomain to another ISP mailbox. Very handy if you change ISP's. No more having to change email addresses - just map them (like auto forwarding)

    Just a few of the handy things you can do.

    Just a note of reference to anyone considering setup up a site or service.


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    The cheapest hosting I know of is www.worldzonepro.com I'm not sure if GL works there or not and I'm currently working at finding out, but the rates are cheap... 120mbs for per month PHP and 6 mysql databases included The email is swapped with databases so you have your choice...database or email addys.. but for per month it's hard to gripe. Tridstate aka Marty

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    I use www.cyberpixels.com for my hosting and my geeklog works great. Smile http://php-princess.net/geeklog

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    Thanks for all the feedback. I've gone with phpWebHosting as they seem the fastest and the GL site I saw loaded very fast. By the way, I was using DefinitiveHosting.com which didn't seem to work - I have a feeling that they have too many sites colocated on one server. Probably a problem of server resources. Thanks again for all the help! Euan.
    -- Heather Engineering
    -- No job too small


    Yeah I'm using phpwebhosting (Scotsmanality.com ) and they're great. No downtime at all.


    I dont get massive amounts of traffic, so I host off my cable modem. I picked up a 100mhz server with 128megs RAM and a 4gig HD for free (an office threw it out.) and my costs are 35$ a month. Of course I also get all kinds of other bennies, like fast websurfing, included in the deal. Other than that I have total control over my box and site. On the bad side, I can only blame me when things go wrong and I had to learn a lot about linux before I was comfortable doing this.


    They're okay, but they've gone down on me a couple times already...er, that is, the server stopped responding... just a few minutes at a time.

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