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Forum 2.6 - page titles


Have anyone noticed (and hopefully fixed) the problem with Forum 2.6 where the page titles DO NOT change with the displayed forum thread?

I thought it was just a bad configuration on my site, but I have just found out the geeklog demo site (which uses Forum 2.6) has the same problem. All forum pages have "Geeklog Demo Site - Try out Geeklog here -..." as the page title in the browser.

This site (www.geeklog.net) forums pages however change page titles correctly when a thread is selected. I wonder geeklog.net is running Forum 2.6.

Any help or pointers will be very much appreciated. All my forum pages are being indexed by google with the same description!


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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
That's a patch I made. Here's the email I sent to Blaine so that he can roll it into future releases:

I made a minor modification to the forum's viewtopic.php on geeklog.net to get something I always wanted: The subject of the current forum thread in the page's <title>.

Text Formatted Code

// Pass thru filter any get or post variables to only allow numeric values and remove any hostile data
$showtopic = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['showtopic'],true);
$show = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['show'],true);
$page = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['page'],true);
$mode = COM_applyFilter($_REQUEST['mode']);
$forum = DB_getItem($_TABLES['gf_topic'],"forum","id='$showtopic'");
$topic_pid = DB_getItem($_TABLES['gf_topic'], "pid","id='$showtopic'");
$result = DB_query("SELECT forum, pid, subject FROM {$_TABLES['gf_topic']} WHERE id = '$showtopic'"); // <- new
list($forum, $topic_pid, $subject) = DB_fetchArray($result); // <- new
$highlight = $_REQUEST['highlight'];


} else {
    echo COM_siteHeader( array('custom_showBlocks',$CONF_FORUM['leftblocks']), $subject ) ; // <-- $subject is new here
    //Check is anonymous users can access
    // Now display the forum header

Simple and shouldn't create any recognizable additional db load.

Read and compare carefully with the content of viewtopic.php and you should be able to make the modifications.

bye, Dirk


Thanks. Works a treat ! :banana:

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Unfortunately, only half of the above hack made it into Forum 2.7. So here's what you need to change in Forum 2.7 to make it work:

In include/gf_format.php, find the function gf_siteHeader and add $subject everywhere as shown below:
Text Formatted Code
function gf_siteHeader($subject = '') {
    global $CONF_FORUM;

    // Display Common headers
    if (!isset($CONF_FORUM['showblocks'])) $CONF_FORUM['showblocks'] = 'leftblocks';
    if (!isset($CONF_FORUM['usermenu'])) $CONF_FORUM['usermenu'] = 'blockmenu';

    if ($CONF_FORUM['showblocks'] == 'noblocks' OR $CONF_FORUM['showblocks'] == 'rightblocks') {
        echo COM_siteHeader('none', $subject);
    } elseif ($CONF_FORUM['showblocks'] == 'leftblocks' OR $CONF_FORUM['showblocks'] == 'allblocks' ) {
        if ($CONF_FORUM['usermenu'] == 'blockmenu') {
            echo COM_siteHeader( array('custom_showBlocks',$CONF_FORUM['leftblocks']), $subject );
        } else {
            echo COM_siteHeader('menu', $subject);
    } else {
        echo COM_siteHeader('menu', $subject);

Then, in viewtopic.php, find the first occurence of "gf_siteHeader" and add "$subject" as the only parameter:
Text Formatted Code
} else {
    // Display Common headers
    gf_siteHeader($subject); // <-- add $subject here
    //Check is anonymous users can access

That should do the trick (as can be seen from the title of this thread).

bye, Dirk


Quote by: spintex

Have anyone noticed (and hopefully fixed) the problem with Forum 2.6 where the page titles DO NOT change with the displayed forum thread?

I thought it was just a bad configuration on my site, but I have just found out the geeklog demo site (which uses Forum 2.6) has the same problem. All forum pages have "Geeklog Demo Site - Try out Geeklog here -..." as the page title in the browser.


The Geeklog Demo site has now been updated to reflect the changes


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