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How do I create a new welcome message?


What .php and how to I change the welcome message at sign up without mesing it up?



To clarify I am speaking about the welcome email sent at sign up. I would also like to send them a confirmation before they actually get signed up.

Thirdly there doesn't seem to be a way for them to delete their own accounts how do I make the delete account module something they can login and do themselves?


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Look in the downloads in the Hacks section for "Email Hack" for all the info you ever wanted on it.

For a hack itself point to here


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Quote by Crissy: To clarify I am speaking about the welcome email sent at sign up. I would also like to send them a confirmation before they actually get signed up.

Your users will get an email with their password - isn't that enough confirmation?

All the texts can easily be changed in the language file, btw.

Quote by Crissy:Thirdly there doesn't seem to be a way for them to delete their own accounts how do I make the delete account module something they can login and do themselves?

That's an option in config.php:

// Allow users to delete their account (if set to 1).
$_CONF['allow_account_delete'] = 0;

bye, Dirk


Thanks for the input and I run a newsletter, so no double confirmation is best as what happens is they submit a free ad through subscribeme.net and she sends them to us to be posted. There are so many ezines unless they get a confirmation type email first there would be accusation of spam. Now a days people spam complain when they've signed up so we all deserve the extra protection..

Thanks for your help,


I went to the languages file and saw nothing in the english language file or that said welcome email.

I downloaded the tz recommended to change it and it said change the functions, but the functions appear to be the same and more so that I did not know how far down from the starting of the functions to change.

Help please tell me this.


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Quote by Crissy: I went to the languages file and saw nothing in the english language file or that said welcome email.

Text strings #14 and #15 in the $LANG04 array are the ones that make up the standard email message. You could simply add more text to those.

The Welcome Email hack is probably slightly out of date by now - I'll have to review it before I could really recommend using it.

bye, Dirk

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ok could you give me the direct path to that on 1.3.9 version as I can not find it?


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the strings referred by the dirk above is at around line 222 & 223 of language/english.php
we are just shadows of our hidden identities

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Ok great I got it and it has been done

Yeah I love to learn stuff



The new versions of GL state that you can customize the email message received by new users:

Customizable welcome email: The email that is sent out to users registering with your site is now fully customizable by providing the text in a text file (/path/to/geeklog/data/welcome_email.txt).

but it appears the User is then not sent their password information from the randomizer, so they aren't able to login. I didn't know this and have had 20 new users that signed up and then never received a password.

How can I both have a custom messsage AND have the initial random password sent out.


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Quote by sakuny: but it appears the User is then not sent their password information from the randomizer, so they aren't able to login.

You can have that information in the customized email - it's just not very well documented (not at all, actually).

Basically, my old welcome email hack is now built into Geeklog. And you have access to some information by using variables (just like in template files).

The information you'll need is {auth_info}, which will be displayed as two lines with the username and password (just like in the built-in email message). There's also {site_url} and {site_name}, which should be self explaining, and a few more which I can't remember right now.

I'll see that I come up with a documentation for this ...

bye, Dirk

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Quote by Dirk: I'll see that I come up with a documentation for this ...

Well, that took a little longer than expected, but it's in the wiki now:

How to change the text of the welcome email

bye, Dirk

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