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Install help: error 1146: \'Table ramilaidad.gl_blocks\' doesn\'t exists


Thanks in advance for any help. I am trying a fresh install of geeklog 1.3.8 on my website, I started by backing up all my existing site and then I installed geeklog as per instructions. I have put public_html into my htdocs and I called it geeklog_public_html, then I updated accordingly the config.php file. I also updated the lib-common.php file and created a brand new database using MySQL-Front after a long battle with phpMyadmin (I lost Cry ). I then tried the instal script as the instructions say, I get to the install page ok, I select the \"Upgrade database\" oprion and I type in the path to my geeklog directory, then the next page (step 2) tells me to choose the current geeklog version, I understand that for fresh installs the initial value of 1.2.5-1 is the right one, so I leave that and I press Next again. At this point I get the following error: 1146: Table \'ramilaidad.gl_blocks\' doesn\'t exist which is right, it doesn\'t as I have just created my empty database. So I reopen the database with mysql-front and it shows that a table (gl_access) has been created. Subsequent attempts to empty the database (or recreating it) and retries all end in the same way with the same error. I also tried to go back and press next again and of course I got the message that the table gl_access already exists. I also tried the \"New database\" option, but like the php instructions say the database must exist and I get an error, which was in fact expected, selecting the database. I think I have selected all the right permissions and paths, and the fact that the database gets found and something starts to happen may lead to that conclusion. Can anybody help? Here is my config.php (only the changed parts) and lib-common.php files, purged of my username and passwords of course. from config.php // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | (1) Database Settings | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ $_DB_host = \'mysql01.powweb.com\'; // host name or IP address of your DB server $_DB_name = \'ramilaidad\'; // name of your database, // must exist before running the installer! $_DB_user = \'***********\'; // MySQL user name $_DB_pass = \'***********\'; // MySQL password // The table prefix is prepended to each table used be Geeklog to avoid name // collisions with other tables that may already exist in your database. $_DB_table_prefix = \'gl_\'; // e.g. \'gl_\' // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | (2) Paths | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Note for Windows users: It\'s safe to use the forward slash \'/\' instead of // the backslash \'\' in paths. Make sure each path starts with a drive letter! // This should point to the directory where your config.php file resides. $_CONF[\'path\'] = \'/www/j/joeslomp/geeklog-1.3.8/\'; // should end in a slash // You only need to change this if you moved or renamed the public_html // directory. In that case, you should specify the complete path to the // directory (i.e. without the $_CONF[\'path\']) like this: // $_CONF[\'path_html\'] = \'/path/to/your/public_html/\'; $_CONF[\'path_html\'] = \'/www/j/joeslomp/geeklog_public_html/\'; // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | (3) Site Settings | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Make sure this is the correct URL to your site, i.e. to where Geeklog\'s // index.php file resides (no trailing slash). $_CONF[\'site_url\'] = \'http://www.joe-slomp.com\'; // Some hosting services have a preconfigured admin directory. In that case, // you need to rename Geeklog\'s admin directory to something like \"myadmin\" // and change the following URL as well. Leave as is until you experience any // problems accessing Geeklog\'s admin menu. $_CONF[\'site_admin_url\'] = $_CONF[\'site_url\'] . \'/admin\'; // This is the return address for all email sent by Geeklog: $_CONF[\'site_mail\'] = \'joeslomp@mailblocks.com\'; $_CONF[\'site_name\'] = \'Ramilaidad Site\'; $_CONF[\'site_slogan\'] = \'Another Nifty Geeklog Site\'; // **************************************************************************** // * If you set up Geeklog for the first time, you shouldn\'t need to change * // * anything below this line. Come back here once the site is up and running.* // **************************************************************************** // Note: See the file docs/config.html for more information on the settings. // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | OTHER DATABASE SETTINGS | // | | // | These settings tell Geeklog about your database and how to connect to it. | // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ $_DB_dbms = \'mysql\'; // Do not change (currently, only MySQL is supported) from lib-common.php /** * Configuration Include: You should ONLY have to modify this line. * Leave the rest of this file intact! * * Make sure to include the name of the config file, * i.e. the path should end in .../config.php */ require_once( \'/www/j/joeslomp/geeklog-1.3.8/config.php\' );

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Forum User
Registered: 01/08/03
Posts: 507
Don\'t choose upgrade database option, use the New Database option. I hope you just created a new database and not the tables. The install script will do that for you. I suggest reading a little more carefully.


I thought I had read carefully, in fact like I said in the original post, the config.php provided in the tarball contains the following lines (name of db is mine) $_DB_name = \'ramilaidad\'; // name of your database, // must exist before running the installer! which to me meant that the \"New database\" option could not be used (my misinterpretation Oops! ). Perhaps that comment could in fact say \"must exist before running the installer, unless you are making a fresh install\", othewise people may be misled just like it has happened to me. Thanks for your help, all is working now. Joe

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