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Error Message on new registrations

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Registered: 11/07/07
Posts: 35
Whenever a new registration is attempt on the GL site, a "You have to enter the same email address in both fields! " error message appears the screen only allows for a user name and email address. If I try to add a new user, the same error message appears.

The setting in the config.php does allow new registrations. Why is this happening?

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You need to update your theme. Switch over to professional to see the difference.

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Registered: 11/07/07
Posts: 35
How often is updating the theme required? I just had the "Clear" theme installed on Friday.

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Quote by: orepa

How often is updating the theme required? I just had the "Clear" theme installed on Friday.

Updating your theme only needs to be done when you install a new or upgraded version of geeklog core, and that depending upon if there are any theme file changes. Refer to the changelog with the version of gl you are using/upgrading to.

Since it has been a year since gl v1.4.1 has come out, you should have only had to upgrade then, but if theme devs don't update their work, it will fall on you to do it for your site.

The theme needs to be compatible with whatever version of geeklog you are running. Refer to the documentation that came with the theme for compatibilty info. If none exists, try contacting the theme author, and as a last resort, start copying/pasting the appropriate .thtml files from the layout/professional/ directory to your layou/(your_theme)/ directory.

This "Clear" theme, is it one listed on the gl demo site? I believe most of the ones there are compatible with gl v1.4.1, and if not, Ironmax does a good job at trying to keep them updated.

Hope this helps!

Synergy - Stability - Style --- Visit us at glfusion.org


Thank a bunch, I'll check it out. The problem started when I switched from another theme back to the Clear theme.

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