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errors with rss feeds

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I rarely have an issue with geeklog that I can't fix, and I am sure this is an easy one, but my brain hurts and it is late so I bow to the gods of geek(log)dom.

not sure if it is visible to others, but at the top of the front page of my site is the following errors:

Text Formatted Code
Warning: array_key_exists(): The second argument should be either an array or an object in /home/silent/system/classes/syndication/rss.feed.class.php on line 283

Warning: array_key_exists(): The second argument should be either an array or an object in /home/silent/system/classes/syndication/rss.feed.class.php on line 287

Warning: array_key_exists(): The second argument should be either an array or an object in /home/silent/system/classes/syndication/rss.feed.class.php on line 302

I looked at the lines, but have no idea if anything is wrong or not. That much php is over my head.

have reloaded the files but no success. made sure all files have been uploaded to the best of my knowledge. any ideas folks? Don't want people seeing the path to my DBs.

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Registered: 11/29/04
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Location:Handbasket, Satan
ummm..nevermind. fixed it.

seems that I was trying to upgrade old RSS feeds with the new RSS feed plugin. doesn't work too well.

deleted the old and created the new. Smile all is good.



I also get these errors when editing my existing links and then save them. But the links were saved successfully?


I have also the same errors Sad Creating new rss or rdf link don't resolve that problem. I sow that errors when I save syndication links, but look that links work fine. Oh. Rss Validator tell me I have a few erros on my RSS and RDF links. Before (v. 1.3.11 GL) I have nothing.

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Location:Handbasket, Satan
create new feeds within GL 1.4 and all will be good.

After the new rss files are created then go edit the HTML and whatnot to suit yours.

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With these feeds, are there any articles in the topic or settings for that feed? Or are there no articles?

Are they article feeds or links/events?

@Nameless what feed errors does validator provide?

Can anyone give me a link to your feed source?

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Can you also give me the full config you have set up for your feeds? Email/Pm is fine if you want to keep it secret.

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I just ran into this on one of my sites [just upgraded to 1.4 a little while ago]. Recreating the feed did not help. Here's what I did to make the errors go away:

In system/classes/syndication/rss.feed.class.php, I added this at the top of the function called _formatArticle():

if ( $article == '' )
return '';

I don't know if this is The Right Solution, but it eliminates the errors and everything still seems to work.

Maybe THEMike can let us know if this is A Good Thing or A Bad Thing?

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Location:Sheffield, UK
I considered that fix originally, but, IMHO, that fix is a sloppy hack, it addresses the symptom of the problem, not the cause of the problem.

I want to try and identify the cause of the problem and fix that.

Do you have a backup of your config prior to the update? Could you send me the contents of your gl_syndication table?

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Quote by THEMike: I considered that fix originally, but, IMHO, that fix is a sloppy hack, it addresses the symptom of the problem, not the cause of the problem.

I want to try and identify the cause of the problem and fix that.

I figured that - that's why I had the disclaimers Laughing

I suspect the culprit is my code for syndicating phpBB forums through phpbbbridge: here. It is probably producing an 'empty' article for some reason.

Even if this is the case, the syndication classes should recognise that and discard it, no?

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