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Media Gallery 1.5.0 Released

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Registered: 12/05/05
Posts: 24
I haven't seen this mentioned, but it appears that Media Gallery 1.5.0 was released a couple of days ago, available from http://www.gllabs.org

I installed and it works sweet, I especially love the YouTube / Google Videos embedding.

Edit: Updated with release notes from Mark at gllabs

"I am pleased to announce the release of Media Gallery v1.5.0. This release contains several bug fixes and a whole lot of new features. It is my hope that v1.5.0 will be the final release of the v1 series and I can now focus on Media Gallery v2.

Some of the notable enhancements in Media Gallery v1.5.0 include:

New Flash based mini-slideshow auto tag. Thanks to Wayne at http://www.flashyourweb.com, you can now insert this cool mini-slideshow into any story using the fslideshow: auto tag.

Embedded Video Support - You can now include remote videos from YouTube, Google Video or any online video source that supports embedding their content into your web site. You tell Media Gallery the embed tag from these sites and the video, while still hosted on the video service, will be integrated into your albums just like any other local content. This means the video: auto tag can be used to include these videos into your stories, you can rate the items, search them, etc.

Streaming Flash Video Server Support - If you happen to have a Streaming Flash Video Server at your disposal, you can now include these remotely streamed videos directly into Media Gallery.

Major Overhaul to Media Gallery's Templates - In a effort to make Media Gallery a little easier to skin, all the template files have been reworked so they are now 100% styled by the mediagallery.css style sheet.

New JUPLOAD Applet - Previous versions of Media Gallery used a Java Upload Applet from www.jupload.biz. This applet did not work with FireFox 2.0 and the applet project has since gone closed-source. I have replaced this applet with one available from jupload.sourceforge.net and it seems to work very well with Media Gallery.

Lightbox Slideshow - Media Gallery now has the option to present your image media using a Lightbox slideshow.

This is just a small list of enhancements to v1.5.0 - See the full ChangeLog for all the changes in this release.

I would like to express my thanks to everyone who has helped test this release and worked with me through various issues. Without your help, I could never accomplish so much. Thank you! "

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I usually wait 24 hours before announcing here. This gives me a chance to let the early adopters validate there are no major gotcha's that may have slipped through the testing process. So far, everything is looking good, so please upgrade at your leisure and enjoy!


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Registered: 12/05/05
Posts: 24
My apologies if I jumped the gun, I just saw in my admin settings this morning that it wasn't the latest version so went ahead and installed and was so pleased with it I wanted to tell the (Geeklog) world.

Many thanks for your hard work, its most certainly appreciated.

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Registered: 02/08/04
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Please don't apologize, it wasn't a secret Smile I just thought I would explain why I hadn't posted anything here yet. I appreciate the positive feedback!!


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