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user comment control


it seems the only one that can delete comments is the Admin. I did 4 sections, 4 groups. I have 4 main writers in the stie, every writer has its own section, and its own group that only let them write in their section. The problem is that the owner of the section can't delete the bad mannered comments. Wich one is the right that i have to give to each group so they can delete the bad mannered comments in their sections? Is there any way to don't post a comment without approval? How can i block users from writting? I don't like censure but i don't like anoying people neither, so i have to control that. Is there any way to put comment lines limit? Per example no more than 40 lines per comment. i don't want any comment to be as large as a bible. Thanks!! you don't have to answer all of the questions, if you know only one question, just answer that one!!! Thanks a lot!!!

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Is there any way to don't post a comment without approval?


How can i block users from writting?

Writing comments you mean? You can set the story such that no comments are allowed or you can block anonymous users from posting comments. That's about it ...

Here's an idea: If you set the topic permissions such that only members of certain groups can see the topic, then only members of those groups would be able to post comments. Would that help?

Is there any way to put comment lines limit?


bye, Dirk



unluckily that won't help. i need everybody to read the stories. The idea is that registerd users can leave comment. And the second idea is that the manager of the section can delete comments without having root rights. The third idea, that might override the second idea, is to don't let the comments being published without previous aproval. The same way that regular stories. example: You write a comment, and then you won't see it automaticaly published in the site, you will have to wait for a webmaster or someone with the necesary rights to aprove the comments. just like stories. Thanks!!!


when i said block users from writing i was thinking of: example: if a user is annoying all the days, writting things that i don't like. How can i prevent or block that user for writing in my site? If i just delete him, he can register again in a second. How people deal with unwelcome-users? I'm re-doing a site that already has 400 daily visits. It's a politic site where 3 journalist and 1 lawyer are writing notes all the time. We are afraid the people from the politician opposition group will try to screw our notes giving us unfaithful comments, or annyoing or talking negative about every article all the time. etc. So i want to know how to deal with bad-users before lunching the site. How to block them. If there's any way to aprove comments instead of being published automatically. etc. etc. i couldn't find out yet the right that a user need to be able to delete comments, it seems only the Admin or root user can do it. Thanks!!

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You can moderate sign-ups on your site though this may be labor intenstive if you get a lot of visitors. Probably the easiest way to get rid of a pest is to ban his IP in your .htaccess file. If he's really annoying and you're having problems banning his IP then just contact his ISP and request they step in and delete his account. There are no special permissions in Geeklog for deleting or moderating comments, and the comments themselves do not have permissions attached to them like stories do. The software would have to be rewritten some to add such a capability. I think this would be a useful feature, and you can submit it on the wish list so it doesn't get lost: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=357371&group_id=7371&func=browse To help with your immediate need, here's a simple patch you can add to give people with story.edit permission the ability to also delete comments. The problem with this approach though is anyone with story.edit permission can delete comments under their stories, under other people's stories, under polls, etc. It's merely a bandaid, but at least it'll give your writers the ability to get rid of any unwanted comments. Find this line inside the function deletecomment in comment.php: if (SEC_hasAccess ($A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'], $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon']) == 3) { Replace that line with this one: if( SEC_hasAccess( $A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'], $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon'] ) == 3 OR SEC_hasrights('story.edit')) { Find this line inside the function COM_comment in lib-common.php: if( SEC_hasAccess( $A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'], $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon'] ) == 3 ) Replace that line with this one: if( SEC_hasAccess( $A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'], $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'], $A['perm_anon'] ) == 3 OR SEC_hasrights('story.edit')) If you've given a bunch of people story.edit permission and you only want to give a few the ability to delete comments, then you could create a new Group just for them and use the SEC_inGroup function instead of SEC_hasrights. These people though would still have the ability to delete all comments not just those attached to their own stories.


Thanks, i will try that!!


Sorry if I'm being obtuse, but I don't see where I can block anonymous users from posting comments on my site. Some f'r is posting pr0n links all over my story comments sections.


NM, I found it in config.php:

$_CONF['commentsloginrequired'] = 1;
(I set it to one from zero)

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