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Thanks Dirk. I think I found it but when I try downloading the header, DW says it can't find a valid editor for this file extension.


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Is there anyway to login as Admin to see which theme is currently being used? The layout folder has four "minimal" folders and 6 "professional" folders -- all dates pretty close.

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Quote by: Sculley

when I try downloading the header, DW says it can't find a valid editor for this file extension

Don't use DreamWeaver or any other WYSIWYG editor (it actually says so in the documentation). The .thtml files contain partial HTML where, say, a table is opened in one file but closed in another. These tools often think they need to add the "missing" tag and ruin the file.

Use a plain text editor.

bye, Dirk

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Quote by: Sculley

Is there anyway to login as Admin to see which theme is currently being used? The layout folder has four "minimal" folders and 6 "professional" folders -- all dates pretty close.

Configuration > Geeklog > Theme

That's the current default theme. If you allow your users to change theme, they may have selected a different one under "My Account".

bye, Dirk

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Comments can be enabled or disabled on a per-story basis. There's also a global option to set the default for new stories.

Which version of Geeklog is running on that site? I see stories dating back to 2008. However, the current version of Geeklog (1.6.0sr2) has two annoying bugs that may automatically close stories for comments.

Thanks so much for your help Dirk. Found the header and footer and updated.

Getting back to comments per your reply above.....where's the global setting for new stories? And do you recommend upgrading to 2.6 even though it has these bugs? Also, is upgrading easy or more advanced? WP has a plugin that makes it a click of the button. Don't want to mess anything up.

Also, I think I remember reading that the sitemap.xml plugin is in version 2.6? I would like to create a sitemap.xml and a sitemap.html. Do you have a plugin for both?

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Hello Sculley,

You could try to install the sitemap plugin and see if you find what t you are looking for.

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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Thanks Cordiste. Any idea where the English version is?

Also, I think I remember finding a sitemap but now I can't remember where I found it if it's there. How can I check to see if there's one? Well, I guess I'd see the plugin, huh? And that's not there :-).

Any idea if there's a plugin for a sitemap.html? The SEs like this too.

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Just found the robots.txt file :

User-agent: *
Disallow: /comment.php
Disallow: /docs
Disallow: /pingback.php
Disallow: /submit.php
Disallow: /trackback.php

Is this preventing comments?

Also, any idea how to configure the global setting to allow comments on all future comments?

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The robots.txt file is only used by search engine spiders. It tells them not to index comment.php. The idea was to prevent it from indexing the comment form so that spammers won't find it easily. However, that also prevents indexing of all comments. So in Geeklog 1.6.0 we removed that line from the robots.txt again and dynamically add a "noindex" meta tag to the comment form only.

None of this has anything to do with normal users posting or viewing comments.

There's an older sitemap plugin here. It needs a few patches to work with 1.5.x (see the comments) and it needs to be kicked off manually.

For a user-visible site index, you could try this (direct download!) script. Unfortunately, Tom took down his site with the instructions for it. Basically: Drop it into your public_html directory (i.e. where the robots.txt and all the accessible files are) and then add a link to it from somewhere, e.g. from the footer or from a side block.

bye, Dirk

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On a side not if you are using the forum I would add

Disallow: /forum/memberlist.php

to the robots.txt file. There is a bug in the forum that the search engines get trapped in that creates an endless number of pages for the forum member list.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Thanks Dirk.

-Do you recommend that I upgrade to 1.6 even though there are bugs in the comments?
-Where is the global setting to set comments for all future posts?
-Where is the sitemap.xml for 1.6?

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1) Depends. If you want to use the comment submission queue, then 1.6.0 is probably a bit of a hassle. Also, the current plan is to have a 1.6.1 beta (with fixed comment handling) out before the end of the month. Which could mean a final 1.6.1 some time in November.

2) Configuration > Geeklog > Users and Submissions > Comments > Comment Default; set to "Comments Enabled".

3) In the webroot, where most search engines expect it.

bye, Dirk

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3) In the webroot, where most search engines expect it.

Thanks Dirk. I meant where's the sitemap.xml plugin? Someone gave me the French version but can't find the English version. I'll try the link you gave me

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You could try to install the sitemap plugin and see if you find what t you are looking for.

This is a english version... and a japanese one... not a french version Smile

I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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I really appreciate your help, guys. I just need to say.....this is sooooo complicated! Wordpress is so easy. You just click to download the plugin and that's it. You may have to turn on some settings, but that's it. It's done. And the backups? There's an automatic back up and it's really easy to find the plugin for it and all you do is click a button and it backs up for you.

For both of the ones you have given, they both have problems. One, I read the comments and there's nothing there to help me make it work with 1.5 (and why isn't there one to work with 1.5? Maybe it's b/c there are so many more users for WP, people stay up on it much more?); the other, I have to back up the db first, then I have to make sure I install it in the right place, for example:

Change to your <geeklog_dir>/plugins/sitemap/ directory. Copy the files in the admin directory to the <admin>/plugins/sitemap/ directory your created in step 3. Copy the files and directories in the public_html directory to the <public_html>/sitemap/ directory your created in step 3.

etc., etc, etc.....this all seems like it's for techies (geeks :-) ?. I don't know geeklog and I thought it was going to be a piece of cake. The above sounds like way too much room for error just to install a plugin.....

Am I missing something?

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Quote by: Dirk

1) Depends. If you want to use the comment submission queue, then 1.6.0 is probably a bit of a hassle. Also, the current plan is to have a 1.6.1 beta (with fixed comment handling) out before the end of the month. Which could mean a final 1.6.1 some time in November.

What is the Comments Submission Queue? I just want to allow comments globally. Seems like if that will work in 1.6, my problems will be solved.

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Quote by: Sculley

I just need to say.....this is sooooo complicated! Wordpress is so easy. You just click to download the plugin and that's it.

We're working on it. In 1.6.0, you can already upload the plugin tarball or .zip file and Geeklog will move the files around for you. The next step will be to set up a plugin repository to allow plugins to install directly from within Geeklog. It'll also need some help from the plugin authors (especially for those plugins that require additional installation steps).

But we are aware of the problems people are having with the plugin install and we do have a plan to address those problems.

bye, Dirk

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Quote by: Sculley

What is the Comments Submission Queue? I just want to allow comments globally. Seems like if that will work in 1.6, my problems will be solved.

It's just like the submission queues for stories, users, etc. Content must be approved by an admin before it's available on the site.

Geeklog 1.5.x doesn't have a comment submission queue. So if you enable comments on stories, visitors will be able to post comments right away. You can only optionally restrict that to registered users.

bye, Dirk

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Dirk, I am sooo sorry. I'm not getting it. I have just enabled comments for 1.5 and it seems successful. Now, if I upgrade to 1.6, what exact problems will I have? I would love to upgrade for the sitemap.xml.

The link you gave for the plugin repository doesn't say how to create a repository. I thought you said it's currently available.

Thanks so much.

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Quote by: Sculley

I have just enabled comments for 1.5 and it seems successful. Now, if I upgrade to 1.6, what exact problems will I have?

Two problems, basically: There is a new option to automatically close stories for comments after a certain amount of days. That option can't currently be switched off. So as a workaround, you will need to set the default to a high value (say, several years). If you do that, however, a new dropdown in the story editor (where you can choose for each story when it should be closed for comments) will revert to a date in 2008(!) by default, so you need to remember to change that entry before posting a story or it will be closed for comments already.

As I said elsewhere: Annoying. And as I also said elsewhere already: These issues will be fixed in Geeklog 1.6.1 which I expect to be out some time in November.

As for the Plugin Repository: That was implemented as part of this year's Google Summer of Code but support for it has not been rolled into Geeklog yet. If you want to play with it, the source code is available and feedback would be very much welcome. We'll probably run some sort of public beta for it anyway later on.

bye, Dirk

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