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install problem

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Registered: 10/06/04
Posts: 21
I am stuck. I searched and read all the related topics I could find but was unable to solve this on my own. I know it is probably something silly...an oversight...but I dont see it.

I just removed a geeklog installation ( cant recall the version) from about a year ago. I meant to use that to develop my site, but never got to actually using it. I just started working on the site again and decided to install the latest version of Geeklog, 1.3.11, instead of using the outdated one. I remember that I set the original one up in 10 minutes, tops. It was easy. I saved the old config.php file to compare paths, etc, to make sure I had the new one set up right. Right from the beginning, doing it the same way got me in trouble with the concatenated path problem. But i got past that.

I deleted all the tables from the original database and setup repopulated the database with tables. However, I get this error message on the success.php page:

Warning: main(home/masterda/geeklog/system/classes/timer.class.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/masterda/public_html/public_html/lib-common.php on line 159

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'home/masterda/geeklog/system/classes/timer.class.php' (include_path='home/masterda/geeklog/system/pear/:.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/masterda/public_html/public_html/lib-common.php on line 159

[public_html/public_html/ in the path statement is not an error. The public folder on this server is called public_html. Inside it is the geeklog public_html folder]

Here is what my path statements look like in Step 2 on config.php:

// This should point to the directory where your config.php file resides.
$_CONF['path'] = 'home/masterda/geeklog/'; // should end in a slash

// You only need to change this if you moved or renamed the public_html
// directory. In that case, you should specify the complete path to the
// directory (i.e. without the $_CONF['path']) like this:
// $_CONF['path_html'] = '/path/to/your/public_html/';
$_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'public_html/';

[The path to the public folder on my site is /home/masterda/public_html/ ....geeklog is installed on the same level as the public folder, not in it, except for the geeklog public_html folder which is inside the main public folder ]

I read the post about updating PEAR for PHP 4.1.x, but I dont think it applies. But I am not a programmer, so my opinion is not worth so much.

I am on a Unix shared hosting server running FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE-p24, PHP 4.3.8, and mysql Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.16.

Any thoughts, please? Sorry to bug you guys with this newbie junk. TIA


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Registered: 09/13/04
Posts: 60
Your $_CONF['path'] has to be wrong. And by your description, so is your $_CONF['path_html']


Text Formatted Code
$_CONF['path'] = 'home/masterda/public_html/geeklog/';

$_CONF['path_html'] = 'home/masterda/public_html/public_html/';


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Registered: 10/06/04
Posts: 21
TY Zipstart, but the path, as you suggest is not right. I am sorry if I was not clear.

The geeklog directory is not IN public_html. It is outside of it on the same level, as suggested in the installation guide.

If i do as you suggest, wont I get the "this is not a directory error" because the two paths get concatenated together?


Thanks for any more input..i wont get a chance to check back here again till Monday****

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Registered: 09/13/04
Posts: 60
if you set the abs path for both like I suggest, they won't get concatenated.

You say that the ../public_html/public_html/.. is correct (which it has to be for it to even find lib-common), and that the geeklog folder is in the same path as the "displayed" public_html...hence my guess as to how you have your dir tree.

You don't have to place the geeklog public_html folder under the server's public_html (or www...whatever)...you can just drop the contents into it. This might make things easier. Then you can shoprten your paths..such as:

$_CONF['path'] = 'home/masterda/geeklog/';

$_CONF['path_html'] = 'home/masterda/public_html/';

Your error comes from lib-common being unable to find the first file in the geeklog path it asks for, so $_CONF['path'] is wrong as you have it. Add to that your $_CONF['path_html'] is concatenating $_CONF['path'] with 'public_html'...which would make your HTML path home/masterda/geeklog/public_html/, which can't be right. So you have two issues to fix.


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Quote by zipstart: $_CONF['path'] = 'home/masterda/geeklog/';

$_CONF['path_html'] = 'home/masterda/public_html/';

Just a note: These should always be absolute paths, i.e. they should start with a slash.

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 10/06/04
Posts: 21
Thank you, Zipstart and Dirk.

I have everything all set up now...seems to be working fine after a quick look at things.

I said it in the first post....that it was probably something silly....and it was. By the time I had gotten frustrated enough to post here, I had already tried to do so many things that I just compounded my mistakes, like forgetting the slash in the absolute path, etc.

But what really was the problem was word wrap. I use a substitute for regular notepad, NotepadEX, to write html and the small amount of other coding I do. But I also use it for text editing. I had turned on wordwrap to handle a file I was sent and forgot to turn it off. I would have never figured this out, except that I did a complete re-install from scratch, and I was getting a "parse error, unexpected t-variable" on a line that looked perfect. Then it hit me. Hidden symbols dropped in by wordwrap. Unix doesn't like them at all. Doh! - that was a mistake

It only took a few minutes after that to get the Geeklog installation fixed and running.

Thanks for your patience and your help, guys. I really appreciate it.


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