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Fatal error: Call to a member function...

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I get the following error whenever I search using more than one word... Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in CRazzrogram Filesserverscriptssystemlib-plugins.php on line 338 I know the search function at the moment is limited but I would much rather see "Search Results: No matches" than an error... It looks bad... I tried searching both logged in and logged out... I tried searching for what I know would match and for what I know won't... Still, the same error... Any insight?
Victor B. Gonzalez -

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Sorry, I don't understand the problem. You should be able to search for more than one word without any problems (although it will then do a search for that exact phrase). Can you give an example? bye, Dirk

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I noticed what might seem to be the problem but I think I might need help fixing it...

If I use the search function on my site and search for just one word and its a match to a word in a story I yield back the error

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in C:/Program Files/server/scripts/system/lib-plugins.php on line 338

If it is not a match it pulls back Search Results: No matches

Now, searching for more than one word whether it is an exact match or not, logged in or not I get the following error again...

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in C:/Program Files/server/scripts/system/lib-plugins.php on line 338

But I noticed something unusual and tested it on the geeklog and squatty site and it seems it might serve a clue... In my URL field I am noticing a double slash in my URL directly after the {site_url}


I am betting the double slash is a culprit but while in phpMyAdmin doing a search for "//" reveals nothing but URLs...

Maybe I am missing something but its a bugger as I had not noticed it before... I tried a brand new install of my entire database and my error.log file shows all was successfull...

I have been modifying a few files *but* only the files in which effect the themes only... Outside of installing a few plugins and one hack, I have not personally tampered with any files or php configurations...

Yet this error is in the air... Please help, thank you very much for your time on this, it is very well appreciated Smile

Victor B. Gonzalez

Victor B. Gonzalez -

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To confirm, I tried repairing the Geeklog database using phpMyAdmin. I selected all tables and selected repair... it went from 156.3 kb to 147.9 and it didn't help... I cleared my browsers cache and restarted the server... I also optimized all the tables but nothing is working so far... I know that the double slash has something to do with it but its so hard finding a double slash not to mention a single slash within the database and all documents... I am stuck on slow... Thanks Smile---Victor B. Gonzalez
Victor B. Gonzalez -

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My {site_url} ended with a slash... sorry but I speeded through the install... It took care of the // after the url but the error remains the same... I am just blogging my incident so as not to waste anyones time... Thanks Smile---Victor B. Gonzalez
Victor B. Gonzalez -

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Ok, I've managed to find part of the solution, so sorry for askin before searching. It seems this thread: http://www.geeklog.net/article.php?story=20030402091812599 already discusses a temporary solution. To break it down, It is the filemgmt plugin thats breaking the search... Well, I am off to Blaines site to see if theirs a fix as the fix posted on the thread will disable the forums search *I think*... Anyway, disabling the forum and then performing the search proves successfull... Will keep those following posted... Thanks Smile---Victor B. Gonzalez
Victor B. Gonzalez -

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I am convinced I narrowed it down to one plugin... The faqman plugin by Blaine Lang... He is an awesome developer and the faqman plugin after all is a beta so no gripes what so ever about it... I'll let him know and see what hes got to say... I narrowed it down by doing a search for 2 different phrases (one existing and one non existent) after I disabled a plugin... Everything works well except the second I turn on the faqman the search goes haywire... I am off to let him know... Thanks Smile---Victor B. Gonzalez
Victor B. Gonzalez -

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