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Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '&', expecting T_VARIABLE or '$

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I just did a new install for Mysite.com. Geeklog recommended configuring plugins for new install, when I try to continue i get the following error. What am I missing? Below is the on screen message. Thanks.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '&', expecting T_VARIABLE or '$' in Mysite.com/plugins/staticpages/services.inc.php on line685

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
You are trying to install Geeklog 1.7.1 on a server with PHP 4. That should work in theory, but in practice, there is a bug in the Static Pages plugin, since it accidentally contains some code that only works on PHP 5.

If you can, switch to using PHP 5. Otherwise, you'll have to wait for Geeklog 1.7.2 (or go back to 1.6.1sr2).

bye, Dirk

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I realized after the install that I may need PHP5 and thus changes my server settings to have the default as PHP5 but the error is still there. Is it too late after the install to change my default PHP4.9 to PHP5 or Do I need to do a new Install? Thanks.

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Switching to PHP 5 should fix that error. Double-check that you really are on PHP 5 now.

There's an info.php script in admin/install that you can call up. It'll display the PHP 5 version, among other things.

bye, Dirk

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Posts: 39
Thanks for your prompt feedbacks. I realized the settings I changed for PHP (from 4.9.9 to 5) affected a different directory on my server. I reset the entire Geeklog directory to Enabled for PHP 5 and now the "Parse Error" is gone but I get the following message instead,"Oops the link appears to be broken" When I go back to continue installation. (the admin/install/index.php exists at it's location). Also When I rechecked the admin/install/info.php it shows: <?php phpinfo(); ?>
What do I do now?

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The "Oops" message is not something Geeklog would display, so not sure where that is coming from.

If you get the source code of a PHP script displayed, then PHP is not running at all. See if you can get it going again or try contacting your hosting service.

Btw, this (PHP not running and displaying the source code instead) is one of the security risks with having your db-config.php file accessible from the web. Anyone can see your database password now ...

bye, Dirk

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@ Dirk: Are you saying my Dbase password is now visible per my post? I will provide feedback/status update later.

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In another post, you mentioned that you put your db-config.php in your webroot and that Geeklog's security check gave you a warning about that. If PHP is not interpreted now, then calling up example.com/db-config.php would display the contents of that file, including your db password.

bye, Dirk

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Sorryfor the confusion but that post related to another Geeklog site of mine running version 1.6. When you try to access example.com/db.config.php it says: This file can not be used on its own! so I am thinking it cannot be accessed via http.

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Quote by: 1PLM[pWhen you try to access example.com/db.config.php it says: This file can not be used on its own! so I am thinking it cannot be accessed via http.[/p]

Actually, that proves that it can be accessed via http. As long as PHP is interpreted, it will display this message. If not (which apparently happened on your other site), then it would display the entire content of that file, i.e. the PHP code and your db password.

Granted, that's a rare and temporary case (usually), but why take the risk?

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 07/11/08
Posts: 39
Thanks a lot.I I have read and learned.


Tried to install GL 1.7.2 with PHP 4.4.9 and got the following:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '&', expecting T_VARIABLE or '$' in /homepages/36/d136911130/htdocs/geeklogbase/geeklog-1.7.2/plugins/staticpages/services.inc.php on line 686

Since I can't change php version of on server how can I fix?

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That's a bug :shock:

Since the piece of code it's complaining about won't be executed on PHP 4 anyway, simply open that file at the given line and remove the offending '&' sign.

Can you please file a bug report for this? Thanks.

bye, Dirk

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