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Install of version 1.7 hangs with a blank screen

Peter J


I am trying to install geeklog 1.7 on a newly built Ubuntu box. When I get as far as giving the site title, db etc, clicking install gives a blank page.

Here is what I am doing:

1) Install Ubuntu without Xorg
2) Install MySQL, PHP5, Apache2 & php5-msql
3) un-tar geeklog into /var
4) create the database geeklog and a user geeklog with a pw and all rights to the DB
5) point the apache web root at /var/geeklog-1.7.1sr1/public_html
6) change the user/group of everything under /var/geeklog-1.7.1sr1 to the user for apache
7) web to the server (from another pc) - it tells me I have to run the install - good so far.
8) click on the install link
9) Fill in the info (site name, db info etc) and click new install
10 ) blank page.

I have tried a few things after looking through the geeklog forum and a bit of googling.

If I go to the main page I get the normal error handler. I have enabled the root debuging in siteconfig.php. The main page complains about the db stuff not being there. Looking in the db its not.

With the root debuging I also only get a blank page at step 9 from above.

Looking into the db-config.php its correctly filled in with my info from step 9 so some bits are working.

My guess is that a package the geeklog needs is missing from the Ubuntu install.

Any ideas on what is missing or any other steps to debug this would be much appreciated.




Have a look at this FAQ and see if this will help you narrow the problem down. Blank Page.


Peter J


Yeah, tried that. I still do not get any error messages either on the browser page (blank) or in the logs.

The root debug option (in siteconfig.php) gives me some output as I have mentioned.

Peter J


Quote by: Peter J


Yeah, tried that. I still do not get any error messages either on the browser page (blank) or in the logs.

The root debug option (in siteconfig.php) gives me some output as I have mentioned.

Peter J

Okay, this may not be so obvious. On the blank page you get, right click and select all and see if you get a visible message then. If not, then send me a pvt message with your login info and site url. I'll have a look and see if I can figure out whats going on.



Peter J

Interesting - but no. Nothing turns up after a select all, copy, paste.


Peter J

Well I have sorted my problem out.

Seems there are 2 issues:

1) My SQL privileges where not allowing the tables to be created in the database. Not sure how to fix that from the mysql command line, but selecting the create permission for my sql user in the global user permission sorted the install out. I made the database change using webmin.

2) The 2nd issue is that the install did not give an error message like previous versions of geeklog used to. With my setup and version 1.5.2sr4 rather than a blank screen I get the error:

1142: create command denied to user 'geeklog'@'localhost' for table 'gl_access'

Thanks for those that replied.



Glad you got it sorted out.


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