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Going from GL1.5.1 to 1.5.2?

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Hi, I posted a comment on the GL1.5.2 story, but maybe I should've started a forum thread instead. I'm up to date with 1.5.1 installed but have a lot of customisations spread through code like header.thtml and the English file etc so I don't want to start afresh for a small upgrade. I'm guessing that to upgrade from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 I should simply roll in (and merge if I had customisations) the changed files from 1.5.1rc and then 1.5.2 (as listed in docs/changed-files). Were there no database changes or anything like that? Cheers, Brett P.S. I'm almost at the end of all my questions, promise!

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Best to have a look at both docs/changed-files files in the 1.5.2rc1 and 1.5.2 packs. Then you will understand which files changed and if those are concerned which you changed yourself.

There is a geeklog-1.5.2\sql\updates\mysql_1.5.1_to_1.5.2.php file with minute changes to the MySQL. You could do that manually.

1.5.2 is rather a bugfix that`s why there are not many changes.

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Before upgrading, maybe wait few hours, there is a bug in the advanced editor (If you need this feature).

When editing a story (intro + body) with the advanced editor the body text is not save and when switching (advanced editor, html, plain text) content is not always preserve.

Bug report is No 818

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@cordiste: did you discuss this error anywhere? I don`t have such a problem. Could that be a browser problem?

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Oups, with more investigating it's a bug comming with firebug (1.3.2) on FF3. Sorry for this.

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Quote by: 1000ideen

Best to have a look at both docs/changed-files files in the 1.5.2rc1 and 1.5.2 packs. Then you will understand which files changed and if those are concerned which you changed yourself.

There is a geeklog-1.5.2sqlupdatesmysql_1.5.1_to_1.5.2.php file with minute changes to the MySQL. You could do that manually.

1.5.2 is rather a bugfix that`s why there are not many changes.

Done. As usual I made a few silly mistakes and my site was down for a while, but got there eventually.

I edited the database by hand to make those small sql changes. Is there a way I could have executed the php to do it instead? I tried pointing my browser at it but no error, no nothing.

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Quote by: worldfooty

I edited the database by hand to make those small sql changes. Is there a way I could have executed the php to do it instead? I tried pointing my browser at it but no error, no nothing.

Erm, yes - there's this handy install script that we provide, which also does the updates ...

I guess some people rather prefer to do things the hard way :wink:

bye, Dirk

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Quote by: worldfooty

I'm up to date with 1.5.1 installed but have a lot of customisations spread through code like header.thtml and the English file etc so I don't want to start afresh for a small upgrade.

I'm guessing that to upgrade from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 I should simply roll in (and merge if I had customisations) the changed files from 1.5.1rc and then 1.5.2 (as listed in docs/changed-files).

To come back to this question: In order to ensure that all the files are replaced properly, we recommend doing things the way they are explained in the upgrade instructions, i.e. move everything out of the way, then upload the new files.

If you know what you're doing and/or can ensure that all the changed files are replaced properly, then you can of course keep things where they are and only copy the new files over them.

Mixing old and new files will only lead to non-working sites, so we try to provide instructions that avoid that scenario ...

bye, Dirk

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Is there a way I could have executed the php to do it instead? I tried pointing my browser at it but no error, no nothing.

You got no errors because it worked fine. It just defines some parameters and exits. The script that actually does something with these parameters is somewhere else, which leads me to:

Erm, yes - there's this handy install script that we provide, which also does the updates ...

I guess some people rather prefer to do things the hard way :wink:

Actually, it not necessarily as straight forward as you think it is. Some hosts, first and foremost SourceForge, have a read only file system from the web. Since Geeklog's upgrade demands write access to some files*, it cannot be executed in those sites.

So 1000ideen, you're a genious. Thanks to your "why didn't I think of it myself" tip, I could upgrade such a site. Before you ask, I managed to install such a site in the first place by installing it in another system and then migrating over the database.

* Can there be a feature request for a "v1.5+ database only" upgrade (which actually doesn't do anything anyway file wise, but still requires write access to files such as db-config.php)?

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OK, yeah, I got caught up in moving all the files and merging my changes that when I got to the end and looked at that sql changes file I figured that was all that needed to be done, and forgot about the install script - I assumed the sql thing I ran would've done it. As explained above, I was wrong.

So I updated the version numbers manually in the database.

So far it all seems to be working so I'm hoping it's all fine. I suppose I could still run the install script now, but that seems scary since it's working, and if for the upgrade option all the script does is version numbers then no point.

The only real problem I had was that any code that I've customised I've labelled with comments so I can easily spot them. But the siteconfig file didn't have that (created automatically in the past), so foolishly I rolled in the new one and lost (for 30 mins) the path to my site!

Certainly when there are bigger updates I'll make sure I do a fresh process. Especially if there's some solution to that tokens problem - just saw my error logs and there's events that didn't save, articles, links.


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