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Story Owner unable to edit story



I am having difficulty setting up permissions on my Geeklog 1.4.1 site.

I have a topic owned by "Admin" with the standard group "Topic Admin".

I log in as a user who has "normal" permissions (All Users & Logged in Users) and submit a story. The story appears, but the owner does not have the ability to edit the story.

When I login as an admin, I see the edit link. So, I added the original user to the "Story Admin" and "Topic Admin" groups just to see if that would make a difference. It did not.

The permissions on the story default to 3,2,2,2 (read/write for owner, read for everyone else) and I verified that the story has those permissions.

What am I missing? I don't want to give all the users root permissions, in fact I'd rather not have them as story or topic admins if it can be avoided.

Thanks very much for your help.

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:rtfm: Setting up a Story Admin



Thanks for the response. I had tried the suggestions in that article prior to posting my own.

Sadly, I don't see what I am missing. As the owner of the article, a member of the story admin and topic admin groups, how is it possible they don't have the rights required?

Thanks again,



After reading the post a little more closely, I noticed the comment about requiring group edit rights.

I am all set now, thanks for helping.


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Yeah, I realize how that FAQ article could be confusing as it's quoting the default settings from config.php and not how you should change them, i.e. (3, 3, 2, 2).

Glad to hear you figured it out nonetheless Big Grin

bye, Dirk


I probably have a couple of questions from the same play.

1. Is there a way to do (set permissions, include users in any groups, etc) so that stories can only be edited by their creators?

2. When a story edited by admin then admin becomes the story's owner. Is it possible to preserve the story owner in such a case?

BTW I have geeklog 1.5.0

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Quote by: pv

2. When a story edited by admin then admin becomes the story's owner. Is it possible to preserve the story owner in such a case?

This certainly shouldn't happen - and doesn't for me.

Can you provide steps to reproduce this?

bye, Dirk


Can you provide steps to reproduce this?

I do nothing special Frown

1. log in as "Admin"
2. create user "pv1" (included in the following groups: "All users" and "Logged-in Users" (these two are by default, I even cannot change them), "Story Admin" and "Topic Admin" (selected manually))
3. log out
4. log in as "pv1"
5. go to "Stories"
6. go to "Create"
7. enter some text into "Title", "Intro text", "Body text"
8. Levae the default permissions (owner can read end edit, others can only read). At the moment I see "Author: pv1" in "Permissions" bookmark
9. press "Save" button
10. log out
11. log in as "Admin"
12. go to "Stories"
13. click the pencil left to the story just created by "pv1"
14. in "Editor" bookmark of the editor I see "Author: pv1". In "Permissions" bookmark I see "Owner: pv1" (I cannot change this even being Admin) and "Group: "Story Admin" (that I can change)
15. having changed nothing I just press "Save" button
16. click the pencil left to the story just saved
17. now I see "Owner: Admin" in "Permissions" bookmark


I've just tested glFusion 1.0.1 and it has the same problem Frown

btw right after creating the story (in both geeklog and glFusion) pv1 cannot see the pencil allowing to edit the story he has just created.

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Quote by: pv

16. click the pencil left to the story just saved
17. now I see "Owner: Admin" in "Permissions" bookmark

Confirmed. That's a bug. Thanks for reporting it.

bye, Dirk

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Quote by: pv

btw right after creating the story (in both geeklog and glFusion) pv1 cannot see the pencil allowing to edit the story he has just created.

That's normal, though. See the start of this discussion ...

bye, Dirk


Quote by: Dirk

Quote by: pv

btw right after creating the story (in both geeklog and glFusion) pv1 cannot see the pencil allowing to edit the story he has just created.

That's normal, though. See the start of this discussion ...

I've reread the discussion and the FAQ but I still don't understand what are the "Owner" permissions flags (E and R) responsible for (since the owner cannot edit the story he creates)?

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Quote by: pv

I've reread the discussion and the FAQ but I still don't understand what are the "Owner" permissions flags (E and R) responsible for (since the owner cannot edit the story he creates)?

Keep the topic permissions in mind. The topic acts as a folder or directory: If you don't have access to the directory, then the permissions on the object in the directory don't matter.

That is different from the access control on other Geeklog objects (e.g. events) where there is no such folder object and the permissions on the actual object determine the access rights you get directly.


bye, Dirk


Quote by: Dirk

Keep the topic permissions in mind. The topic acts as a folder or directory: If you don't have access to the directory, then the permissions on the object in the directory don't matter.

Thanks, Dirk! That really, really helped!

I had been missing that when reading FAQ. It was my fault Frown

Now I have no problems with geeklog Smile

Thanks again!

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