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Calendar Enhancement - Input Needed - Recurring Events

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Registered: 05/02/07
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Okay. Maybe the two $200 pledges have given the general impression that everyone must contribute $200. It is not the case. We need to get another $200 in pledges to get the calendar enhanced. If you are willing to pledge $20, just say it and it will tell me that we can reach the total figure we are shooting for.

Many people have complained for years about the calendar. Now we have a chance to do something about it. We need pledges to total $200. That's just ten people dropping in $20. We spend that much on soft drinks and popcorn at the movies.

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How about allowing the author or authors to sell the script after our initial contribution to create the plugin?

I think Geeklog site should have a shopping cart for premium plugins.

Whoever pick up this project gets the $400 up front and he, she, or they, can get more by selling the script to those who want it in the future.


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I think that may fall against Open Source rules. But, it should be possible for the author to package the new code as a code extension package to be installed on the open source code, and then sell that. Those of us who contribute will get the code agreeing we will not distribute it to anyone else. Everyone else will have to buy it.

It would be a real shame if we have to do this, when if folks would contribute just a few bucks, everyone could get it for free.

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I'll throw in $20 even though I have no need for the features right now.

We need these features added into the current calendar plugin not create something new. It would be a mistake to make it an extension or a whole new plugin since it would then have to be supported with new versions of Geeklog, etc.. Lets keep this public and as the calendar plugin.

Tex, have you talked to Dirk yet about maybe adding some money from the general bounty account? I would also get him to post your bounty on the bounty page now since you have the features pretty much ironed out. You can always add more money to the bounty as it is donated. Having it posted may generate some more interest from other programmers.

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Quote by: Tex

I think that may fall against Open Source rules.

Nothing wrong with it at all. There are several for pay plugins for Geeklog. I wouldn't want the hassle of forking the calendar plugin. So if I took the bounty, I'd release the plugin to all for just the bounty. (Assuming I have the time to program it. I've started looking at the code seriously and was disturbed to discover that the submission form and the edit form are in two different formats (submit uses DIVs/CSS and edit uses TABLES).)

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Count me in for $40. More may follow from another source.

I think that we can do better than the TotalCalendar interface in terms of look-n-feel. But the functionality would generally be correct for what I need.

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I'll throw in a $50. I just use Geeklog for a family website, but a lot of the people want reoccuring events. Also the calendar grouping idea I really like. I don't mind pitching in I think you all do a great job. Let me know what I need to do to get you the $50.


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So that's $520 in pledges so far.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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There've been additional pledges in the other thread: here

I've accepted these tasks and will be starting work on them in a week or two. I'll put progress updates here as progress occurs. Could someone (Tex?) go through both threads and consolidate all the pledges (and pledgers) in one place? The list should have "name", "amount", and "task pledge is for" fields. This way if any pledge makers wish to bow out they can. And if any new pledges come along they could be added to a central list.


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I just installed the plugin, evlist ver 1.1

The core functionality for what you are talking about is already coded.
wouldn't it be much easier to fix the calendar plugin, to use the resources and code that evlist has available?

just my 2 cents

I'm looking at the code for both, maybe I'll hack sumpin together that works.

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Hope the rest don't kill ya!"



I thought Wookies were strictly Java programmers.

Go figure.


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What is the status of the work on this plugin? I am interested in possibly taking this up and adding the additional functionality.
MuntadaNet, Inc.
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It is under development


Is this a real project? I don't see it on the bounties page. Where do we pledge? What is the eta?

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Quote by: earnest

Is this a real project? I don't see it on the bounties page. Where do we pledge? What is the eta?

Dirk never updated the bounties page and he is whom you send your pledge to. At the moment, I'm a bit behind schedule but the enhancements will be done January 2008.


Ok, so there has been close to $600 donated to this project ... uh, last June ... and it's still in the works??


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If you find some of the other threads about the calendar upgrades you will find I have been beset by two different RL incidents that could not be foreseen when I started this project.

At the moment I am about a week or so away from updating my test website with all the required features at least visible. I'm currently restructuring the main index.php so it understands how to display recurring events. (In the past when I've said something was a week away, it ended up taking a month because of unforeseen RL incidents so if someone I know gets hurt I'm blaming you Wink )

RSVPs and Subscriptions are basically feature complete. Categories is complete on the admin side and needs better support in the various day/week/month view screens. Recurring events mangle the code for those same views so much, I needed to pause category work during the restructuring. In addition, originally I was going to include recurring events right in the event editor. But the form is so big that I need to move it to its own form.

Additionally, I'm restructuring the template files so that things that are the same have the same name regardless of view. Additionally there will be more variables available in all views than are currently displayed. So if you want the start time of events to appear in the monthly view, the data is available for you to add to the template.

Oh, and I didn't start work on the project until September. June was just when the donations started.

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Registered: 09/14/09
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Hi,thanks for posting. Any updates with this project? Seems this thread has been inactive..What happened with the pledges for this project? Thanks!



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I released a partial update months ago. Many folks understandably asked for their pledges back due the many delays I had. Dirk is still holding on to the remaining pledge money. Only recurring events were never completed out of all the requested enhancements. Some day I will upgrade the released version of this plugin to work with Geeklog 1.6 but I don't know when.

Alen Lee

Well well.. this is something really easy to grab it in very inexpensive ways.. I would go for $50.

Alen Lee

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