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Installing a new template


I just installed Geeklog to my server through Fantastico and also picked out a template that I found in the downloads section of the geeklog site. How do I go about putting that template on my site?

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"The default theme that Geeklog uses for anonymous and for new users is set in config.php"
How do I get to this?



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That's the problem with all those auto-installers - people don't even know that there is a config.php which holds over 100 configuration options ...

Check your webspace, it must be there somewhere. Preferrably outside of your webroot.

bye, Dirk

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you're going to have to edit your config.php file...

it's located in the root directory of wherever you installed geeklog... (one of the options in the fantastico script is to install it in a subdirectory... if you did this then it's there... if you left that option blank then it's in the root directory...)



Thanks guys, I dont know too much about making websites (which is one of the reasons why I'm using Geeklog). I'm learning though (I"m taking Oracle now).



That explains how to prevent other users from changing the theme. What I want to do is to upload a new template for my site. How do I do this?

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Upload the theme folder to /Geeklog core directory/layout/

Then change the config.php as stated in the link by Dirk.
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Quote by Dirk: That's the problem with all those auto-installers - people don't even know that there is a config.php which holds over 100 configuration options ...

Check your webspace, it must be there somewhere. Preferrably outside of your webroot.

bye, Dirk

I wish I could create something that was included in an autoinstaller. Razz

Also fantastico is currently installing 1.3.11 so make sure to download the security update.
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I think it depends on how often the host updates the script... I've got one host that still installing version 1.3.9... another one is isntalling 1.3.11sr1

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well that makes since. I didn't realize it was host based. I figured it pulled from a central database.
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Quote by vadertech: Upload the theme folder to /Geeklog core directory/layout/

Then change the config.php as stated in the link by Dirk.

Is there a way to upload the whole folder at once instead of having to do every single file in the folder?

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Quote by vadertech: Upload the theme folder to /Geeklog core directory/layout/

Then change the config.php as stated in the link by Dirk.

Ok guys one last question (I'm learning alot), where can I find the Geeklog core directory file? Under public_html I folder called layout where the professional theme was. I uploaded my new theme there and deleted the professinal one but now I get a message that says there was a template error. Any suggestions?

Thanks again guys, your awsome! Smile

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Quote by Phatlip12: I uploaded my new theme there and deleted the professinal one but now I get a message that says there was a template error.

Sounds like your new theme (which one was it?) has to be updated.

You should keep a working theme around so that you can fall back to it (as explained in the FAQ article) in case the new one isn't working.

bye, Dirk

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In other words, there are a few files that GL 1.3.10 and up use but aren't included with other themes. The easiest way is to have a copy of 1.3.11 on your computer and copy the missing files from there. It will tell you which files you are missing.
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Quote by Dirk:
Quote by Phatlip12: I uploaded my new theme there and deleted the professinal one but now I get a message that says there was a template error.

Sounds like your new theme (which one was it?) has to be updated.

You should keep a working theme around so that you can fall back to it (as explained in the FAQ article) in case the new one isn't working.

bye, Dirk

I have version 1.3.11 installed and in that faq it says:
"There are no mandatory theme changes in Geeklog 1.3.11, so themes made for Geeklog 1.3.10 will work just fine without any modifications."

After I uploaded my new template I delted the folder for the original (standard) one. When I went to my site instead of seeing my new template I saw a template error message that said
Template Error: set_root: /home/username/public_html/layout/professional is not a directory.

This is the location of my new template:
/ public_html / layout / purplerose2
(purpleroses2 is the name of the template).

Could it be a problem as to where I uploaded the template? I really dont think that it would be considering this is where the info for my old default template was.

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Quote by Phatlip12:"so themes made for Geeklog 1.3.10 will work just fine without any modifications."

They will work fine. Purplerose2 on the other hand was made prior to 1.3.10 therefore it is missing some files, as I stated in my previous post, that you will have to manually add.

You have your theme in the right place. Now open config.php and change //Default theme = professional to //Default theme = purplerose2

Did you copy the files like I stated before?

For instance, if it says "missing file = /layout/purplerose2/archivestorytext.thtml

Then open the geeklog folder you downloaded and extracted to your pc and find that file and copy it to /layout/purplerose2/

The files will be located in /layout/professional/ folder
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