Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 01:49 am EDT


phpBB module ready for action!

  • Thursday, January 31 2002 @ 09:49 am EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 9,915
Announcements I've just put, what I think, are the finishing touches to the phpBB module for Geeklog. Head over to our Plug-ins page to get it. Please note that this is not a full-fledge plugin yet but the directions should be sufficient for you to use it on a production site now.


  • Correctly reports total number of users
  • links to Geeklogs user profile where necessary
  • Login/logout links point to Geeklog's
  • Fixed bug that would allow phpBB session to expire when still logged in from Geeklog
  • Added phpBB credit to bottom
  • Page navigation