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creating dyamic blocks with rdf


Has anyone successfully cone this?

I've looked at many geeklog sites, and I have not seen a single example of a working 'rdf block'.

I'd like to create some, but when I configure one, nothing at all even shows up harry


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Registered: 12/17/01
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Location:Urbandale, Iowa
Well, it works. Here is an example on my site that I just upgraded yesterday to the production release of 1.3. The RDF block is the one titled "Missouri Outdoor News".

To create an RDF block:
1) Go to block administration page, click on new block
2) On the block editor be sure to select Portal Block from the block type drop down
3) In the RDF URL be sure to include the 'http://' in the url
4) save it

Then you can reload the page and it *should* show up. It takes some time after saving it because it has to do the initial fetch so you may need to refresh the page a couple of times.

The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.


I've tried it a dozen times, and nothing shows up. Maybe I'm using the wrong type of url. Here are some of the urls I've tested with: http://meerkat.oreillynet.com/?_fl=rss10 http://4xt.org/news/general.rss10 There's something here I'm missing. I don't know anything about rdf, so I don't suppose I should expect to figure this out : (


Um, this is a shot in the dark... forgive me if you already did this. Are you sure that you are changing the block's type to the correct one? What settings do you enter? What are the results?


yes, i set the type to \'portal\'. the block doesn\'t even show up, not even an empty one.


Oh, gees, that is a totally different error. Set your block's Topic to All and make sure that the groups settings are OK.

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Using GL 1.31 I think. I define a new portal block set for all topics. After sumbitting the changes I get the following error message: 1054: Unknown column 'help' in 'field list' Short of waiting for the new release what would you advise? Tony

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Registered: 12/17/01
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Location:Urbandale, Iowa
this is a known bug. Do this in MySQL: alter table blocks add help varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL; ----- The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.
The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.


Thanks for your response. Is this bug corrected in the newest release (1.32 beta)? In any case I am about to find out since I am installing it on another site as I write. Thanks Tony


So what are the proper permissions? Does the block order matter?

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