Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, February 13 2025 @ 08:53 am EST

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I need user and pass default for http://mysitio/admin/ the user:Admin and pass:password not working helpme plis my version of geeklog is 1.2.5-1

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Registered: 12/17/01
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Location:Urbandale, Iowa
In mysql run "select * from users" and verify your Admin user exists. If he does then I'm not sure why but your admin password must've changed or been reset. To update this password execute "update users set passwd = PASSWORD('<new_password>') where username = 'Admin'"
The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.


I have the same problem with login "Admin - password". I an under Win2000 and I use EasyPHP 1.5. I change the password in mysql base but no solution ...

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... and here's another one with the same problem. I've just set up a geeklog. When I try to log in as "Admin" it shows Admin as online in the "Who's online" box but at the same time, the User Block does not show up (instead showing the Username/Password login fields). I've also tried to log in as a new user with the exact same symptoms. The new user does show up in the 'users' table in the database. Any ideas? bye, Dirk

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Registered: 12/17/01
Posts: 405
Location:Urbandale, Iowa
Give this article a look. It should help you create a superuser account and get things straightened out.
The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.


I have the same problem, the Admin password is not working, strange thing because if I log in the page seems to appear for 1 second but then I get the login prompt again without any errors. If I update the user table I get the message that the password is not correct. This because the password is somewhere encrypted in the PHP code I think. I have to update the encrypted version of the password, maybe it will solve this problem, which function should I have to use for this?


Did you ever figure out what was wrong. I'm running into the same problem.

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