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Undefined variable
I have installed Geeklog (v1.12.5-1) on a Win2K machine with IIS as the webserver.
I have sucessfully installed MySQL (v3.23 Win32) and PHP (v4.0.6 windows installer package) and have loaded the Geeklog WEB into the IIS directory. All this appears to have worked fine. I am not using security as I am inside a firewall and this is just for demonstration purposes, to test the technology.
However I have a problem with the installlation because when I access the WEB site using Microsoft's Internet Explorer, IIS can find the page and tries to serve it but the PHP scripts are failing.I get the following string of error messages when accessing the Index.php page:
Warning: Undefined variable: topic in C:\Inetpub\Geektrap\english.php on line 250
Warning: Undefined variable: from in C:\Inetpub\Geektrap\english.php on line 300
Warning: Undefined variable: fromemail in C:\Inetpub\Geektrap\english.php on line 300
Warning: Undefined variable: from in C:\Inetpub\Geektrap\english.php on line 305
Warning: Undefined variable: shortmsg in C:\Inetpub\Geektrap\english.php on line 305
Warning: Undefined variable: type in C:\Inetpub\Geektrap\english.php on line 378
Warning: Undefined variable: type in C:\Inetpub\Geektrap\english.php on line 402
Warning: Undefined variable: qid in C:\Inetpub\Geektrap\english.php on line 560
Warning: Undefined variable: qid in C:\Inetpub\Geektrap\english.php on line 567
Warning: Undefined variable: qid in C:\Inetpub\Geektrap\english.php on line 568
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\Inetpub\Geektrap\english.php:250) in C:\Inetpub\Geektrap\public_html\common.php on line 66
Warning: Undefined index: LastVisit in C:\Inetpub\Geektrap\public_html\common.php on line 71
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\Inetpub\Geektrap\english.php:250) in C:\Inetpub\Geektrap\public_html\common.php on line 78
I can't find a file where these variables are defined. Are they meant to come from a file, or are the defined elsewhere?
Any help would be appreciated!
Stephen Burns
sometimes i have this problem when i upload files in the wrong file format (i.e. in binary instead of ascii) could it be the same under W2K ?
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Registered: 12/17/01
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Location:Urbandale, Iowa
There is something wrong with your language file. Are you using english.php or a translation? Also, what version of Geeklog are you running?
The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.
The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.
Geeklog (v1.12.5-1). I'm using the english.php file that came with the Geeklog download. Also the problem in not confined just to the English.php file. It also appears in the common.php file (Undefined index: LastVisit).
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Registered: 12/17/01
Posts: 405
Location:Urbandale, Iowa
a problem with your language file. You are probably missing an end quote or a comma or something on line 250 in english.php.
The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.
The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.
I haven't modified the english.php file in any way. The section of code in question is thus. I've tried to keep changes to a minimum, just changing the directory names where appropriate.
The code below creates the first error:
Warning: Undefined variable: topic in c:program files/apache group/apache/htdocs/geeklog-1.25/public_html/english.php on line 250, etc.
# index.php
$LANG05 = array(
1 => "No News to Display",
2 => "There are no news stories to display. There may be no news for this topic or your user preferences may be too restrictive.",
3 => "for topic $topic",
4 => "Today's Featured Article",
5 => "Next",
6 => "Previous"
line 250 is row 3 of the array above.
There are also a number of other fields that can't be found including:
Warning: Undefined variable: from
Warning: Undefined variable: fromemail
Warning: Undefined variable: shortmsg
Warning: Undefined variable: type
Warning: Undefined variable: qid
In the Common.php file, the lines:
// update LastVisit cookie. This cookie is updated each time auth.php runs
setcookie("LastVisit", time(), $expiredate1, $CONF["cookiepath"], $CONF["cookiedomain"], $CONF["cookiesecure"]);
generate the following:
Warning: Undefined index: cookiedomain
the lines:
if (!isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["LastVisitTemp"])) {
$temptime = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["LastVisit"];
else {
$temptime = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["LastVisitTemp"];
// set cookie.
setcookie("LastVisitTemp", $temptime ,$expiredate2, $CONF["cookiepath"], $CONF["base"], $CONF["cookiesecure"]);
generate the following:
Warning: Undefined index: cookiesecure
Warning: Undefined index: LastVisit
I am a bit at a loss. These fields must be fairly common. Could the problem be related to the MySQL Database connection? I'm not sure I have the database connected properly.
Stephen Burns.
from what i understand it is simply the way that php works. variables can be used before they are defined but the error reporting status in the php.ini file or whatever you're using is likely set to E_ALL or something which will always report these warnings, though they don't actually effect the function of the script.
i suggest you turn down error reporting under "error handling and logging" in the php.ini file to something where it only reports errors which would effect the running of the script. iirc there's such an example in the php.ini file itself.
this worked for me at least.
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