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envcheck.php error on fresh installation

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Registered: 05/18/21
Posts: 11
I was trying to edit stuff for a theme, then did an envcheck and got an error. So I thought I'd broken something.

Since nothing important was on my installation yet, I simply deleted the whole thing and re-installed.
The only thing I changed was my Admin password and my default theme (not uploading anything new), and I get that same error in the envcheck that I started in the C&C.

Not being fluent in PHP, what I noticed was the double-slash in the URL in the second line from the bottom - that's why I copy-pasted the start of the details.

Everything seems to be working using the backup-system, but I decided to post this here anyway.



A PHP error has occurred:

(This text is only displayed to users in the group 'Root'Wink

E_WARNING(2) - phpinfo() has been disabled for security reasons @ /var/www/virtual//my_site/htdocs/admin/envcheck.php line 817
Call Stack
# Function File Line
1 phpinfo /var/www/virtual/my_site/htdocs/admin/envcheck.php 817
2 _phpinfo /var/www/virtual/my_site/htdocs/admin/envcheck.php 634
3 _checkEnvironment /var/www/virtual/my_site/htdocs/admin/envcheck.php 842

array(1) {
object(Template)#13 (17) {
string(8) "Template"
array(1) {
string(58) "/var/www/virtual/my_site/htdocs/layout/denim/admin"
array(2) {
string(81) "/var/www/virtual/my_site/data/layout_cache/english//denim__admin__envcheck.php"
string(80) "/var/www/virtual/my_site/data/layout_cache/english/denim__admin__envcheck.php"

[lots more]

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Site Admin
Registered: 09/27/05
Posts: 1468
Did you test it using a theme that comes with Geeklog like denim?

Looking at the error it looks like your web host is blocking the use of the phpinfo function and the Environment Host Check page does not take that into account so it then errors out.

I have added an issue for this on Github here:


We will take a look at the issue and make sure it is fixed for the next version of Geeklog.

Thanks for reporting this error.


PS You could try contacting your host to see if they will update your security settings to allow your website to use the phpinfo function.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Registered: 05/18/21
Posts: 11
All I did after the new installation was to change my Admin password, deal with the install folder and then change the Admin's theme to denim.
I didn't upload any modified files at all, theme or otherwise.

It's not the webspace I'm going to use later for the real purpose, so if the host is the problem that may solve itself.
This is just a learning version for tinkering around and hopefully creating a more fitting theme.

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Registered: 05/18/21
Posts: 11
I just had an idea and tried it out - when I change the Admin's theme, the error changes from denim to the new theme - so the problem is not in the denim theme.

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Registered: 05/18/21
Posts: 11
Update: No such problem on the real server - must have been the host.

However, I've run into a few other problems. One of them I'll make a new post about - sorry about that!

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