Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, February 18 2025 @ 08:08 pm EST

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iframe tag doesn't work

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When I post an article with youtube iframe code like
Text Formatted Code
<iframe src=...>
, it is replaced by just
Text Formatted Code
I tested at Demo Site and same thing happens.
To use iframe tag, I added iframe to User HTML in HTML filtering configuration pane.

How can I post iframe tags like youtube embedded code?

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Registered: 09/27/05
Posts: 1474
I had thought there was a way to include attributes on the tags when you add them to the HTML Include Filter config option but looking at the code I don't see it (plus it is not mentioned in the docs).

So 2 options for you now until we get this fixed.

You can either enable Skip Filtering for Admin config option found just below the filter config options.

Or download the autotag plugin and enable the youtube autotag.

Autotags Plugin v1.1.3

The autotag plugin is really handy. Plus using it for youtube will allow you to style it in one spot but use the code in multiple places on your website. I have an update to the youtube autotag if you want it which gives you much more control on how it looks.

This has the added benefit of security since ideally you don't want regular users usually to be able to create an iframe on a site.

By the way I added a bug for this issue on GItHub https://github.com/Geeklog-Core/geeklog/issues/1078
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Registered: 09/27/05
Posts: 1474
My mistake, it is not a bug.

In the configuration under HTML Filtering you add the iFrame and then beside the iframe on the left you will see a plus sign. This will allow you to add any attributes needed for the tag.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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