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More details on Geeklog 2.1.3 Features

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Thank you for Geeklog 2.1.3!

Where is more detail information for Geeklog 2.1.3 feature?

[Feature] Images in articles can now be styled [Tom]

/admin/story.php?mode=edit&editor=std&sid=xxx ?
how can I change style?

[Feature] Admins can now edit more fields of users

/admin/user.php?mode=edit&uid=xxx ?

[Feature] Autotags can now have a close tag if needed

how can I use?
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>>[Feature] Images in articles can now be styled

This is for images that are uploaded with the story from the image tab that use the [imageX], [imageX_right], and [imageX_left] tags.

In the template files storttext.thml, featuredstorytext.thml and archivestorytext.thml you will notice 3 extra blocks in the files called image_noalign, image_leftalign, and image_rightalign. Within these blocks you can now style how the images look.

>> [Feature] Admins can now edit more fields of users

This is used by plugins like the Forum (use the latest forum code in the repository, it has not been released yet). Plugins can now automatically add new fields which will display on the user page, My Account and when the Admin edits a user.

Plugins could do this before but the templates would have to be manually updated to include the fields. Now they are added automatically.

>> [Feature] Autotags can now have a close tag if needed

No Geeklog Core autotags need to use this feature (yet). Plugin developers can now use this if they want and add it to their plugins. OR you can use it with the new Autotags plugin 1.1.1 which was just released. Instructions are included with the Autotags Plugin when you create a new autotag. It shows how to create a simple autotag for wrapping html around a text. Here is the example:

Example 2 (with close tag): Autotags can be used to add HTML tags. A Replace With field of <#1>#3</#1> when combined with this tag [tag:h1]This is a Heading[/tag] will result in the string <h1>This is a Heading</h1>
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Autotag new feature is awsome.

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[Feature] Staticpage Templates now use caching template library. This means logic processing is now possible

This feature is also really cool. As before you can setup a staticpage as a template (with HTML and template variables) and then assign it to 1 or more staticpages that contain XML that assign those template variables to actual content. See the Wiki for more information and example: http://wiki.geeklog.net/Static_Pages_Plugin#Template_Static_Pages

This allows you to create pages with unique content but follows a template. So if you ever want to change the look you only have to change the template page.

As of Geeklog 2.1.3 we have added logic processing to the template staticpage. It uses the same logic processing as theme template files.



which means you can do a lot more things. This means staticpages also have access to global template variables like 'anonymous_user' and 'device_mobile' so you can setup staticpages to react to just anonymous users or a mobile device.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Thank you for Geeklog wiki.
Geeklog Japan https://www.geeklog.jp

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Geeklog 2.1.3 Autotags can now have a close tag if needed

How about Autotags PHP functions: "lang"

Text Formatted Code
[lang:en]English content[/lang]

display: url: xxxxxxx_en
Text Formatted Code
English content

Geeklog Japan https://www.geeklog.jp

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So what is it displaying a url too?

I am not sure what this autotag is suppose to do?

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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for multi language site using MediaGallery plugin.
Media title:
Text Formatted Code
[language:ja]................[/lang][language:en]...English title.....[/lang][language:zh]................[/lang][language:ko]................[/lang]

Media Description:
Text Formatted Code
[language:ja]................[/lang][language:en]...English description.....[/lang][language:zh]................[/lang][language:ko]................[/lang]

if English mode:
title: ...English title.....
Description: ...English description.....

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Autotag "lang" is already used.
So should be change autotag functions name.
Text Formatted Code

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Okay I see what you mean. It doesn't link to anything it just displays the text. That should be easy enough to do with the autotags plugin.

I haven't tested the code but something like this should work:

Text Formatted Code

global $_CONF;

if ($p1 = 'en' AND $_CONF['language'] = 'english_utf-8') {
return $p3;
} elseif ($p1 = 'ja' AND $_CONF['language'] = 'japanese_utf-8') {
return $p3;

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Text Formatted Code
global $_CONF;

if (!strcmp( $p1, COM_getLanguageId($_CONF['language'])) {
return $p3;

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Much cleaner code. Big Grin

I don't have the Geeklog code in front of me and had forgotten about that function.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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Our DEMO site updated.



MediaGallery album with language switch autotag
Text Formatted Code
[l:en]...[/l], [l:ja]...[/l]

"language" is too long, so I chenaged "l"
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For https://demo.geeklog.jp/mediagallery/album.php?aid=1&page=1
I get the message >> You do not have access to view this album
I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS

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I changed the album visible from hidden.
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Hiroron added phpautotag "l"

1. bug fix: closed tag for PHP autotags
2. add autotag "l"
3. change MediaGallery plugin for multi language site

Geeklog Japan https://www.geeklog.jp

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Thanks Ivy for reporting bug PHP autotags bug when using close tag. I have added the report to the autotags plugin issue list:

One of the Geeklog Core Developers.

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autotag "l" is very useful for multi language site.
I want to add as core function.

Geeklog Japan https://www.geeklog.jp

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