Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Wednesday, January 22 2025 @ 08:58 am EST
Geeklog Forums
Forum plugin centerblock autotag
Status: offline
Forum User
Full Member
Registered: 11/25/04
Posts: 314
Location:Tokyo Japan
are there centerblock autotag?
like this.
I want to set forum centerblock item in any place.
Geeklog Japan https://www.geeklog.jp
like this.
Text Formatted Code
line:10I want to set forum centerblock item in any place.
Geeklog Japan https://www.geeklog.jp
Status: offline
Forum User
Full Member
Registered: 01/14/05
Posts: 1569
Location:la rochelle, France
Hi Ivy,
You can easily do this with autotag plugin by calling a php function (see CUSTOM_centerblock_forum below).
* Display latest forum posts in the center block.
* @param where int where the block will be displayed (0..2)
* @param page int page number
* @param topic string topic ID
* @return string HTML for the center blcok (can be empty)
function CUSTOM_centerblock_forum ($limit='')
global $LANG_GF02, $mode, $order;
//$TIMER = new timerobject();
//$exectime = $TIMER->stopTimer();
if ($CONF_FORUM['installed_version'] < 2.6) {
if ($CONF_FORUM['registration_required'] && $_USER['uid'] < 2) {
$retval = '';
$cb_enable = $CONF_FORUM['show_centerblock'];
$cb_where = $CONF_FORUM['centerblock_where'];
// If enabled only for homepage and this is not page 1 or a topic page,
// then set disable flag
if ($CONF_FORUM['centerblock_homepage'] == 1 AND ($page > 1 OR !empty ($topic))) {
$cb_enable = 0;
} elseif ($CONF_FORUM['centerblock_homepage'] == 0 and $page > 1) {
$cb_where = 1; // Top of Page
// Check if there are no featured articles in this topic
// and if so then place it at the top of the page
if (!empty ($topic)) {
$wheresql = "WHERE tid='$topic' AND featured > 0";
} else {
$wheresql = 'WHERE featured = 1';
$query = DB_query ("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} $wheresql");
$result = DB_fetchArray ($query);
if ($result['count'] == 0 and $cb_where == 2) {
$cb_where = 1;
$block = new Template ($_CONF['path'] . 'system/custom/forum');
$block->set_file (array ('block' => 'centerblock.thtml','record' => 'centerblock_displayline.thtml'));
$block->set_var ('xhtml', XHTML);
$block->set_var ('phpself', $_CONF['site_url'] .'/index.php');
$block->set_var ('startblock', COM_startBlock($LANG_GF02['msg170']));
$block->set_var ('endblock', COM_endBlock());
$block->set_var ('site_url', $_CONF['site_url']);
$block->set_var ('layout_url', $CONF_FORUM['layout_url']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_title', $LANG_GF02['msg170']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_FORUM', $LANG_GF01['FORUM']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_TOPIC', $LANG_GF01['TOPIC']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_LASTPOST', $LANG_GF01['LASTPOST']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_viewlastpost', $LANG_GF02['msg160']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_forumjump', $LANG_GF02['msg195']);
$groups = array ();
$usergroups = SEC_getUserGroups();
foreach ($usergroups as $group) {
$groups[] = $group;
$grouplist = implode(',',$groups);
if ($limit != '') $CONF_FORUM['centerblock_numposts'] = $limit;
$sql = "SELECT a.id, a.forum, a.name, a.date, a.lastupdated, a.last_reply_rec, a.subject, ";
$sql .= "a.comment, a.uid, a.name, a.pid, a.replies, a.views, b.forum_name ";
$sql .= "FROM {$_TABLES['forum_topic']} a ";
$sql .= "LEFT JOIN {$_TABLES['forum_forums']} b ON a.forum=b.forum_id ";
$sql .= "WHERE pid=0 AND b.grp_id IN ($grouplist) AND b.no_newposts = 0 ";
$sql .= "ORDER BY lastupdated DESC LIMIT {$CONF_FORUM['centerblock_numposts']}";
$result = DB_query ($sql);
if (DB_numRows($result) == 0) {
$f_tooltip = function_exists('COM_getTooltip');
$cssid = 0;
while ($A = DB_fetchArray ($result)) {
$fullsubject = "{$A['subject']}\n{$LANG_GF01['POSTEDBY']}:{$A['name']}{$LANG_GF01['VIEWS']}:{$A['views']}, {$LANG_GF01['REPLIES']}:{$A['replies']}";
if (strlen ($A['subject']) > $CONF_FORUM['cb_subject_size']) {
$A['subject'] = COM_truncate($A['subject'], $CONF_FORUM['cb_subject_size'], '...');
if ($CONF_FORUM['allow_user_dateformat']) {
$firstdate = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat ($A['date']);
$firstdate = $firstdate[0];
$lastdate = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat ($A['lastupdated']);
$lastdate = $lastdate[0];
} else {
$firstdate = strftime($CONF_FORUM['default_Datetime_format'], $A['date']);
$lastdate = strftime($CONF_FORUM['default_Datetime_format'], $A['lastupdated']);
if ($A['uid'] > 1) {
$topicinfo = "{$A['subject']}<br" . XHTML . ">{$LANG_GF01['STARTEDBY']} " . COM_getDisplayName($A['uid']) . ', ';
//$topicinfo .= sprintf($LANG_GF01['LASTREPLYBY'],COM_getDisplayName($A['uid']));
} else {
$topicinfo = "{$A['subject']}<br" . XHTML . ">{$LANG_GF01['STARTEDBY']},{$A['name']},";
$topicinfo .= "{$firstdate}<br" . XHTML . ">{$LANG_GF01['VIEWS']}:{$A['views']}, {$LANG_GF01['REPLIES']}:{$A['replies']}<br" . XHTML . ">";
if (empty ($A['last_reply_rec']) OR $A['last_reply_rec'] < 1) {
$lastid = $A['id'];
$lastcomment = $A['comment'];
} else {
$qlreply = DB_query("SELECT id,uid,name,comment FROM {$_TABLES['forum_topic']} WHERE id={$A['last_reply_rec']}");
$B = DB_fetchArray($qlreply);
$lastid = $B['id'];
$lastcomment = $B['comment'];
if ($B['uid'] > 1) {
$topicinfo .= sprintf($LANG_GF01['LASTREPLYBY'],COM_getDisplayName($B['uid']));
} else {
$topicinfo .= sprintf($LANG_GF01['LASTREPLYBY'],$B['name']);
$lastpostinfo = strip_tags(COM_truncate($lastcomment, $CONF_FORUM['contentinfo_numchars'], '...'));
$lastpostinfo = str_replace(LB, "<br" . XHTML . ">", forum_mb_wordwrap($lastpostinfo, $CONF_FORUM['linkinfo_width'], LB));
$cssid = ($cssid == 1) ? 2 : 1;
if ($f_tooltip) {
$lastpostlink = "{$_CONF['site_url']}/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic={$A['id']}&lastpost=true#{$lastid}";
$block->set_var ('tooltip_date', $lastdate);
$topiclink = "{$_CONF['site_url']}/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic={$A['id']}";
$block->set_var ('tooltip_topic_subject', $A['subject']);
} else {
$block->set_var ('lastpostinfo', $lastpostinfo);
$block->set_var ('topicinfo', $topicinfo);
$block->set_var ('date', $lastdate);
$block->set_var ('topic_subject', $A['subject']);
$block->set_var ('lastpostid', $lastid);
$block->set_var ('cssid', $cssid);
$block->set_var ('img_dir', $CONF_FORUM['imgset']);
$block->set_var ('forum_id', $A['forum']);
$block->set_var ('forum_name', $A['forum_name']);
$block->set_var ('topic_id', $A['id']);
$block->set_var ('fullsubject', $fullsubject);
$block->set_var ('views', $A['views']);
$block->set_var ('replies', $A['replies']);
$block->set_var ('lastpostby',$A['name']);
$block->parse ('block_records', 'record',true);
$block->parse ('output', 'block');
$retval .= $block->finish ($block->get_var ('output'));
//$exectime = $TIMER->stopTimer();
//COM_errorLog("Centerblock Execution Time: $exectime seconds");
return $retval;
You will also need to add 2 files in system/custom/forum folder
<!-- startblock -->
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border: 1px solid #CCC; margin-bottom:10px;">
<tr style="vertical-align:middle;">
<td class="pluginTitle alignleft" style="padding:4px; width:40%;"><b>{LANG_FORUM}</b></td>
<td class="pluginTitle alignleft" style="padding:4px; width:40%;"><b>{LANG_TOPIC}</b></td>
<td class="pluginTitle aligncenter" style="padding:4px; width:20%;"><b>{LANG_LASTPOST}</b></td>
<!-- endblock -->
<!-- end centerblock.thtml -->
<!-- start centerblock_displayline.thtml -->
<tr class="pluginRow{cssid}" onmouseover="className='pluginRollOver';" onmouseout="className='pluginRow{cssid} pluginLinks';">
<td class="pluginLinks" onclick="window.location.href='{site_url}/forum/index.php?forum={forum_id}'" onmouseover="this.style.cursor='pointer';" style="padding-left:6px; height:20px; width:25%" title="{LANG_forumjump}">{forum_name}</td>
<td class="pluginLinks" onclick="window.location.href='{site_url}/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic={topic_id}'" onmouseover="this.style.cursor='pointer';" style="width:65%">
<td class="pluginLinks" onclick="window.location.href='{site_url}/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic={topic_id}&lastpost=true#{lastpostid}'" onmouseover="this.style.cursor='pointer';" style="padding-right:6px; white-space:nowrap;">
<!-- end centerblock_displayline.thtml -->
I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS
You can easily do this with autotag plugin by calling a php function (see CUSTOM_centerblock_forum below).
Text Formatted Code
/*** Display latest forum posts in the center block.
* @param where int where the block will be displayed (0..2)
* @param page int page number
* @param topic string topic ID
* @return string HTML for the center blcok (can be empty)
function CUSTOM_centerblock_forum ($limit='')
global $LANG_GF02, $mode, $order;
//$TIMER = new timerobject();
//$exectime = $TIMER->stopTimer();
if ($CONF_FORUM['installed_version'] < 2.6) {
if ($CONF_FORUM['registration_required'] && $_USER['uid'] < 2) {
$retval = '';
$cb_enable = $CONF_FORUM['show_centerblock'];
$cb_where = $CONF_FORUM['centerblock_where'];
// If enabled only for homepage and this is not page 1 or a topic page,
// then set disable flag
if ($CONF_FORUM['centerblock_homepage'] == 1 AND ($page > 1 OR !empty ($topic))) {
$cb_enable = 0;
} elseif ($CONF_FORUM['centerblock_homepage'] == 0 and $page > 1) {
$cb_where = 1; // Top of Page
// Check if there are no featured articles in this topic
// and if so then place it at the top of the page
if (!empty ($topic)) {
$wheresql = "WHERE tid='$topic' AND featured > 0";
} else {
$wheresql = 'WHERE featured = 1';
$query = DB_query ("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} $wheresql");
$result = DB_fetchArray ($query);
if ($result['count'] == 0 and $cb_where == 2) {
$cb_where = 1;
$block = new Template ($_CONF['path'] . 'system/custom/forum');
$block->set_file (array ('block' => 'centerblock.thtml','record' => 'centerblock_displayline.thtml'));
$block->set_var ('xhtml', XHTML);
$block->set_var ('phpself', $_CONF['site_url'] .'/index.php');
$block->set_var ('startblock', COM_startBlock($LANG_GF02['msg170']));
$block->set_var ('endblock', COM_endBlock());
$block->set_var ('site_url', $_CONF['site_url']);
$block->set_var ('layout_url', $CONF_FORUM['layout_url']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_title', $LANG_GF02['msg170']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_FORUM', $LANG_GF01['FORUM']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_TOPIC', $LANG_GF01['TOPIC']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_LASTPOST', $LANG_GF01['LASTPOST']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_viewlastpost', $LANG_GF02['msg160']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_forumjump', $LANG_GF02['msg195']);
$groups = array ();
$usergroups = SEC_getUserGroups();
foreach ($usergroups as $group) {
$groups[] = $group;
$grouplist = implode(',',$groups);
if ($limit != '') $CONF_FORUM['centerblock_numposts'] = $limit;
$sql = "SELECT a.id, a.forum, a.name, a.date, a.lastupdated, a.last_reply_rec, a.subject, ";
$sql .= "a.comment, a.uid, a.name, a.pid, a.replies, a.views, b.forum_name ";
$sql .= "FROM {$_TABLES['forum_topic']} a ";
$sql .= "LEFT JOIN {$_TABLES['forum_forums']} b ON a.forum=b.forum_id ";
$sql .= "WHERE pid=0 AND b.grp_id IN ($grouplist) AND b.no_newposts = 0 ";
$sql .= "ORDER BY lastupdated DESC LIMIT {$CONF_FORUM['centerblock_numposts']}";
$result = DB_query ($sql);
if (DB_numRows($result) == 0) {
$f_tooltip = function_exists('COM_getTooltip');
$cssid = 0;
while ($A = DB_fetchArray ($result)) {
$fullsubject = "{$A['subject']}\n{$LANG_GF01['POSTEDBY']}:{$A['name']}{$LANG_GF01['VIEWS']}:{$A['views']}, {$LANG_GF01['REPLIES']}:{$A['replies']}";
if (strlen ($A['subject']) > $CONF_FORUM['cb_subject_size']) {
$A['subject'] = COM_truncate($A['subject'], $CONF_FORUM['cb_subject_size'], '...');
if ($CONF_FORUM['allow_user_dateformat']) {
$firstdate = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat ($A['date']);
$firstdate = $firstdate[0];
$lastdate = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat ($A['lastupdated']);
$lastdate = $lastdate[0];
} else {
$firstdate = strftime($CONF_FORUM['default_Datetime_format'], $A['date']);
$lastdate = strftime($CONF_FORUM['default_Datetime_format'], $A['lastupdated']);
if ($A['uid'] > 1) {
$topicinfo = "{$A['subject']}<br" . XHTML . ">{$LANG_GF01['STARTEDBY']} " . COM_getDisplayName($A['uid']) . ', ';
//$topicinfo .= sprintf($LANG_GF01['LASTREPLYBY'],COM_getDisplayName($A['uid']));
} else {
$topicinfo = "{$A['subject']}<br" . XHTML . ">{$LANG_GF01['STARTEDBY']},{$A['name']},";
$topicinfo .= "{$firstdate}<br" . XHTML . ">{$LANG_GF01['VIEWS']}:{$A['views']}, {$LANG_GF01['REPLIES']}:{$A['replies']}<br" . XHTML . ">";
if (empty ($A['last_reply_rec']) OR $A['last_reply_rec'] < 1) {
$lastid = $A['id'];
$lastcomment = $A['comment'];
} else {
$qlreply = DB_query("SELECT id,uid,name,comment FROM {$_TABLES['forum_topic']} WHERE id={$A['last_reply_rec']}");
$B = DB_fetchArray($qlreply);
$lastid = $B['id'];
$lastcomment = $B['comment'];
if ($B['uid'] > 1) {
$topicinfo .= sprintf($LANG_GF01['LASTREPLYBY'],COM_getDisplayName($B['uid']));
} else {
$topicinfo .= sprintf($LANG_GF01['LASTREPLYBY'],$B['name']);
$lastpostinfo = strip_tags(COM_truncate($lastcomment, $CONF_FORUM['contentinfo_numchars'], '...'));
$lastpostinfo = str_replace(LB, "<br" . XHTML . ">", forum_mb_wordwrap($lastpostinfo, $CONF_FORUM['linkinfo_width'], LB));
$cssid = ($cssid == 1) ? 2 : 1;
if ($f_tooltip) {
$lastpostlink = "{$_CONF['site_url']}/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic={$A['id']}&lastpost=true#{$lastid}";
$block->set_var ('tooltip_date', $lastdate);
$topiclink = "{$_CONF['site_url']}/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic={$A['id']}";
$block->set_var ('tooltip_topic_subject', $A['subject']);
} else {
$block->set_var ('lastpostinfo', $lastpostinfo);
$block->set_var ('topicinfo', $topicinfo);
$block->set_var ('date', $lastdate);
$block->set_var ('topic_subject', $A['subject']);
$block->set_var ('lastpostid', $lastid);
$block->set_var ('cssid', $cssid);
$block->set_var ('img_dir', $CONF_FORUM['imgset']);
$block->set_var ('forum_id', $A['forum']);
$block->set_var ('forum_name', $A['forum_name']);
$block->set_var ('topic_id', $A['id']);
$block->set_var ('fullsubject', $fullsubject);
$block->set_var ('views', $A['views']);
$block->set_var ('replies', $A['replies']);
$block->set_var ('lastpostby',$A['name']);
$block->parse ('block_records', 'record',true);
$block->parse ('output', 'block');
$retval .= $block->finish ($block->get_var ('output'));
//$exectime = $TIMER->stopTimer();
//COM_errorLog("Centerblock Execution Time: $exectime seconds");
return $retval;
You will also need to add 2 files in system/custom/forum folder
Text Formatted Code
<!-- start centerblock.thtml --><!-- startblock -->
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border: 1px solid #CCC; margin-bottom:10px;">
<tr style="vertical-align:middle;">
<td class="pluginTitle alignleft" style="padding:4px; width:40%;"><b>{LANG_FORUM}</b></td>
<td class="pluginTitle alignleft" style="padding:4px; width:40%;"><b>{LANG_TOPIC}</b></td>
<td class="pluginTitle aligncenter" style="padding:4px; width:20%;"><b>{LANG_LASTPOST}</b></td>
<!-- endblock -->
<!-- end centerblock.thtml -->
Text Formatted Code
<!-- start centerblock_displayline.thtml -->
<tr class="pluginRow{cssid}" onmouseover="className='pluginRollOver';" onmouseout="className='pluginRow{cssid} pluginLinks';">
<td class="pluginLinks" onclick="window.location.href='{site_url}/forum/index.php?forum={forum_id}'" onmouseover="this.style.cursor='pointer';" style="padding-left:6px; height:20px; width:25%" title="{LANG_forumjump}">{forum_name}</td>
<td class="pluginLinks" onclick="window.location.href='{site_url}/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic={topic_id}'" onmouseover="this.style.cursor='pointer';" style="width:65%">
<td class="pluginLinks" onclick="window.location.href='{site_url}/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic={topic_id}&lastpost=true#{lastpostid}'" onmouseover="this.style.cursor='pointer';" style="padding-right:6px; white-space:nowrap;">
<!-- end centerblock_displayline.thtml -->
I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS
Status: offline
Forum User
Full Member
Registered: 11/25/04
Posts: 314
Location:Tokyo Japan
I chenged little for UIkit
* Display latest forum posts in the center block.
* @param where int where the block will be displayed (0..2)
* @param page int page number
* @param topic string topic ID
* @return string HTML for the center blcok (can be empty)
function CUSTOM_centerblock_forum ($limit='')
global $LANG_GF02, $mode, $order;
//$TIMER = new timerobject();
//$exectime = $TIMER->stopTimer();
if ($CONF_FORUM['installed_version'] < 2.6) {
if ($CONF_FORUM['registration_required'] && $_USER['uid'] < 2) {
$retval = '';
$cb_enable = $CONF_FORUM['show_centerblock'];
$cb_where = $CONF_FORUM['centerblock_where'];
// If enabled only for homepage and this is not page 1 or a topic page,
// then set disable flag
if ($CONF_FORUM['centerblock_homepage'] == 1 AND ($page > 1 OR !empty ($topic))) {
$cb_enable = 0;
} elseif ($CONF_FORUM['centerblock_homepage'] == 0 and $page > 1) {
$cb_where = 1; // Top of Page
// Check if there are no featured articles in this topic
// and if so then place it at the top of the page
if (!empty ($topic)) {
$fromsql = ", {$_TABLES['topic_assignments']} ta";
$wheresql = "WHERE ta.id = sid AND ta.tid='$topic' AND featured > 0";
} else {
$fromsql = '';
$wheresql = 'WHERE featured = 1';
$query = DB_query ("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} $fromsql $wheresql");
$result = DB_fetchArray ($query);
if ($result['count'] == 0 and $cb_where == 2) {
$cb_where = 1;
$block = new Template ($_CONF['path'] . 'system/custom/forum');
$block->set_file (array ('block' => 'centerblock.thtml','record' => 'centerblock_displayline.thtml'));
$block->set_var ('xhtml', XHTML);
$block->set_var ('phpself', $_CONF['site_url'] .'/index.php');
$block->set_var ('startblock', COM_startBlock($LANG_GF02['msg170']));
$block->set_var ('endblock', COM_endBlock());
$block->set_var ('site_url', $_CONF['site_url']);
$block->set_var ('layout_url', $CONF_FORUM['layout_url']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_title', $LANG_GF02['msg170']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_FORUM', $LANG_GF01['FORUM']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_TOPIC', $LANG_GF01['TOPIC']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_LASTPOST', $LANG_GF01['LASTPOST']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_viewlastpost', $LANG_GF02['msg160']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_forumjump', $LANG_GF02['msg195']);
$groups = array ();
$usergroups = SEC_getUserGroups();
foreach ($usergroups as $group) {
$groups[] = $group;
$grouplist = implode(',',$groups);
if ($limit != '') $CONF_FORUM['centerblock_numposts'] = $limit;
$sql = "SELECT a.id, a.forum, a.name, a.date, a.lastupdated, a.last_reply_rec, a.subject, ";
$sql .= "a.comment, a.uid, a.name, a.pid, a.replies, a.views, b.forum_name ";
$sql .= "FROM {$_TABLES['forum_topic']} a ";
$sql .= "LEFT JOIN {$_TABLES['forum_forums']} b ON a.forum=b.forum_id ";
$sql .= "WHERE pid=0 AND b.grp_id IN ($grouplist) AND b.no_newposts = 0 ";
$sql .= "ORDER BY lastupdated DESC LIMIT {$CONF_FORUM['centerblock_numposts']}";
$result = DB_query ($sql);
if (DB_numRows($result) == 0) {
$f_tooltip = function_exists('COM_getTooltip');
$cssid = 0;
while ($A = DB_fetchArray ($result)) {
// $fullsubject = "{$A['subject']}\n{$LANG_GF01['POSTEDBY']}:{$A['name']}{$LANG_GF01['VIEWS']}:{$A['views']}, {$LANG_GF01['REPLIES']}:{$A['replies']}";
$fullsubject = "{$LANG_GF01['POSTEDBY']}:{$A['name']}{$LANG_GF01['VIEWS']}:{$A['views']}";
if (strlen ($A['subject']) > $CONF_FORUM['cb_subject_size']) {
$A['subject'] = COM_truncate($A['subject'], $CONF_FORUM['cb_subject_size'], '...');
if ($CONF_FORUM['allow_user_dateformat']) {
$firstdate = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat ($A['date']);
$firstdate = $firstdate[0];
$lastdate = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat ($A['lastupdated']);
$lastdate = $lastdate[0];
} else {
$firstdate = strftime($CONF_FORUM['default_Datetime_format'], $A['date']);
$lastdate = strftime($CONF_FORUM['default_Datetime_format'], $A['lastupdated']);
if ($A['uid'] > 1) {
$topicinfo = COM_getDisplayName($A['uid']) ;
//$topicinfo .= sprintf($LANG_GF01['LASTREPLYBY'],COM_getDisplayName($A['uid']));
} else {
$topicinfo = "{$A['name']}";
// $topicinfo .= "{$firstdate} " . " {$LANG_GF01['VIEWS']}:{$A['views']}, {$LANG_GF01['REPLIES']}:{$A['replies']}</span>";
// $topicinfo .= "{$firstdate} " . " {$LANG_GF01['VIEWS']}:{$A['views']}"."</span>";
if (empty ($A['last_reply_rec']) OR $A['last_reply_rec'] < 1) {
$lastid = $A['id'];
$lastcomment = $A['comment'];
} else {
$qlreply = DB_query("SELECT id,uid,name,comment FROM {$_TABLES['forum_topic']} WHERE id={$A['last_reply_rec']}");
$B = DB_fetchArray($qlreply);
$lastid = $B['id'];
$lastcomment = $B['comment'];
if ($B['uid'] > 1) {
$lastpostuser = sprintf("%s",COM_getDisplayName($B['uid']));
} else {
$lastpostuser = sprintf("%s",$B['name']);
$lastpostinfo = strip_tags(COM_truncate($lastcomment, $CONF_FORUM['contentinfo_numchars'], '...'));
$lastpostinfo = str_replace(LB, "<br" . XHTML . ">", forum_mb_wordwrap($lastpostinfo, $CONF_FORUM['linkinfo_width'], LB));
$cssid = ($cssid == 1) ? 2 : 1;
if ($f_tooltip) {
$lastpostlink = "{$_CONF['site_url']}/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic={$A['id']}&lastpost=true#{$lastid}";
$block->set_var ('tooltip_date', COM_getTooltip($lastdate, $lastpostinfo, $lastpostlink));
$topiclink = "{$_CONF['site_url']}/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic={$A['id']}";
$block->set_var ('tooltip_topic_subject', COM_getTooltip($A['subject'], $topicinfo, $topiclink));
} else {
$block->set_var ('lastpostinfo', $lastpostinfo);
$block->set_var ('topicinfo', $topicinfo);
$block->set_var ('date', $firstdate);
$block->set_var ('lastdate', $lastdate);
$block->set_var ('topic_subject', $A['subject']);
$block->set_var ('lastpostuser', $lastpostuser);
$block->set_var ('lastpostid', $lastid);
$block->set_var ('cssid', $cssid);
$block->set_var ('img_dir', $CONF_FORUM['imgset']);
$block->set_var ('forum_id', $A['forum']);
$block->set_var ('forum_name', $A['forum_name']);
$block->set_var ('topic_id', $A['id']);
$block->set_var ('fullsubject', $fullsubject);
$block->set_var ('views', $A['views']);
$block->set_var ('replies', $A['replies']);
$block->set_var ('posts', $A['replies']+1);
$block->set_var ('lastpostby',$A['name']);
$block->parse ('block_records', 'record',true);
$block->parse ('output', 'block');
$retval .= $block->finish ($block->get_var ('output'));
//$exectime = $TIMER->stopTimer();
//COM_errorLog("Centerblock Execution Time: $exectime seconds");
return $retval;
<!-- startblock -->
<div class="uk-grid" style="margin:0">
<table class="uk-table-striped uk-width-1-1" style="max-width:100%">
<tr class="uk-text-muted"><th>Topic</th><th>Category</th><th>Users</th><th>Posts</th><th>Views</th><th>Activity</th></tr>
<!-- endblock -->
<!-- end centerblock.thtml -->
<td class="uk-text-truncate" style="max-width:320px">
<a href="{site_url}/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic={topic_id}"><i class="uk-icon-arrow-circle-right"></i> <span class="uk-text-nowrap uk-text-truncate">{topic_subject}</a></a><br /
<td class="uk-text-truncate" style="max-width:180px">
<span class="uk-text-truncate"><a href="{site_url}/forum/index.php?forum={forum_id}" class="uk-text-truncate uk-text-success uk-text-bold" style="max-width:100px"><i class="uk-icon-folder-o"></i> {forum_name}</a></span>
<td class="uk-text-truncate" style="max-width:120px">
{topicinfo}{!if replies}...{lastpostuser}{!endif}
<td class="uk-text-truncate">
<td class="uk-text-truncate">
<td class="uk-text-truncate">
<a href="{site_url}/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic={topic_id}&lastpost=true#{lastpostid}">{date}</a>
<!-- end centerblock_displayline.thtml -->
Static pagePHP mode)
How can I use autotag?
Geeklog Japan https://www.geeklog.jp
I chenged little for UIkit
Text Formatted Code
* Display latest forum posts in the center block.
* @param where int where the block will be displayed (0..2)
* @param page int page number
* @param topic string topic ID
* @return string HTML for the center blcok (can be empty)
function CUSTOM_centerblock_forum ($limit='')
global $LANG_GF02, $mode, $order;
//$TIMER = new timerobject();
//$exectime = $TIMER->stopTimer();
if ($CONF_FORUM['installed_version'] < 2.6) {
if ($CONF_FORUM['registration_required'] && $_USER['uid'] < 2) {
$retval = '';
$cb_enable = $CONF_FORUM['show_centerblock'];
$cb_where = $CONF_FORUM['centerblock_where'];
// If enabled only for homepage and this is not page 1 or a topic page,
// then set disable flag
if ($CONF_FORUM['centerblock_homepage'] == 1 AND ($page > 1 OR !empty ($topic))) {
$cb_enable = 0;
} elseif ($CONF_FORUM['centerblock_homepage'] == 0 and $page > 1) {
$cb_where = 1; // Top of Page
// Check if there are no featured articles in this topic
// and if so then place it at the top of the page
if (!empty ($topic)) {
$fromsql = ", {$_TABLES['topic_assignments']} ta";
$wheresql = "WHERE ta.id = sid AND ta.tid='$topic' AND featured > 0";
} else {
$fromsql = '';
$wheresql = 'WHERE featured = 1';
$query = DB_query ("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} $fromsql $wheresql");
$result = DB_fetchArray ($query);
if ($result['count'] == 0 and $cb_where == 2) {
$cb_where = 1;
$block = new Template ($_CONF['path'] . 'system/custom/forum');
$block->set_file (array ('block' => 'centerblock.thtml','record' => 'centerblock_displayline.thtml'));
$block->set_var ('xhtml', XHTML);
$block->set_var ('phpself', $_CONF['site_url'] .'/index.php');
$block->set_var ('startblock', COM_startBlock($LANG_GF02['msg170']));
$block->set_var ('endblock', COM_endBlock());
$block->set_var ('site_url', $_CONF['site_url']);
$block->set_var ('layout_url', $CONF_FORUM['layout_url']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_title', $LANG_GF02['msg170']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_FORUM', $LANG_GF01['FORUM']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_TOPIC', $LANG_GF01['TOPIC']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_LASTPOST', $LANG_GF01['LASTPOST']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_viewlastpost', $LANG_GF02['msg160']);
$block->set_var ('LANG_forumjump', $LANG_GF02['msg195']);
$groups = array ();
$usergroups = SEC_getUserGroups();
foreach ($usergroups as $group) {
$groups[] = $group;
$grouplist = implode(',',$groups);
if ($limit != '') $CONF_FORUM['centerblock_numposts'] = $limit;
$sql = "SELECT a.id, a.forum, a.name, a.date, a.lastupdated, a.last_reply_rec, a.subject, ";
$sql .= "a.comment, a.uid, a.name, a.pid, a.replies, a.views, b.forum_name ";
$sql .= "FROM {$_TABLES['forum_topic']} a ";
$sql .= "LEFT JOIN {$_TABLES['forum_forums']} b ON a.forum=b.forum_id ";
$sql .= "WHERE pid=0 AND b.grp_id IN ($grouplist) AND b.no_newposts = 0 ";
$sql .= "ORDER BY lastupdated DESC LIMIT {$CONF_FORUM['centerblock_numposts']}";
$result = DB_query ($sql);
if (DB_numRows($result) == 0) {
$f_tooltip = function_exists('COM_getTooltip');
$cssid = 0;
while ($A = DB_fetchArray ($result)) {
// $fullsubject = "{$A['subject']}\n{$LANG_GF01['POSTEDBY']}:{$A['name']}{$LANG_GF01['VIEWS']}:{$A['views']}, {$LANG_GF01['REPLIES']}:{$A['replies']}";
$fullsubject = "{$LANG_GF01['POSTEDBY']}:{$A['name']}{$LANG_GF01['VIEWS']}:{$A['views']}";
if (strlen ($A['subject']) > $CONF_FORUM['cb_subject_size']) {
$A['subject'] = COM_truncate($A['subject'], $CONF_FORUM['cb_subject_size'], '...');
if ($CONF_FORUM['allow_user_dateformat']) {
$firstdate = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat ($A['date']);
$firstdate = $firstdate[0];
$lastdate = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat ($A['lastupdated']);
$lastdate = $lastdate[0];
} else {
$firstdate = strftime($CONF_FORUM['default_Datetime_format'], $A['date']);
$lastdate = strftime($CONF_FORUM['default_Datetime_format'], $A['lastupdated']);
if ($A['uid'] > 1) {
$topicinfo = COM_getDisplayName($A['uid']) ;
//$topicinfo .= sprintf($LANG_GF01['LASTREPLYBY'],COM_getDisplayName($A['uid']));
} else {
$topicinfo = "{$A['name']}";
// $topicinfo .= "{$firstdate} " . " {$LANG_GF01['VIEWS']}:{$A['views']}, {$LANG_GF01['REPLIES']}:{$A['replies']}</span>";
// $topicinfo .= "{$firstdate} " . " {$LANG_GF01['VIEWS']}:{$A['views']}"."</span>";
if (empty ($A['last_reply_rec']) OR $A['last_reply_rec'] < 1) {
$lastid = $A['id'];
$lastcomment = $A['comment'];
} else {
$qlreply = DB_query("SELECT id,uid,name,comment FROM {$_TABLES['forum_topic']} WHERE id={$A['last_reply_rec']}");
$B = DB_fetchArray($qlreply);
$lastid = $B['id'];
$lastcomment = $B['comment'];
if ($B['uid'] > 1) {
$lastpostuser = sprintf("%s",COM_getDisplayName($B['uid']));
} else {
$lastpostuser = sprintf("%s",$B['name']);
$lastpostinfo = strip_tags(COM_truncate($lastcomment, $CONF_FORUM['contentinfo_numchars'], '...'));
$lastpostinfo = str_replace(LB, "<br" . XHTML . ">", forum_mb_wordwrap($lastpostinfo, $CONF_FORUM['linkinfo_width'], LB));
$cssid = ($cssid == 1) ? 2 : 1;
if ($f_tooltip) {
$lastpostlink = "{$_CONF['site_url']}/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic={$A['id']}&lastpost=true#{$lastid}";
$block->set_var ('tooltip_date', COM_getTooltip($lastdate, $lastpostinfo, $lastpostlink));
$topiclink = "{$_CONF['site_url']}/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic={$A['id']}";
$block->set_var ('tooltip_topic_subject', COM_getTooltip($A['subject'], $topicinfo, $topiclink));
} else {
$block->set_var ('lastpostinfo', $lastpostinfo);
$block->set_var ('topicinfo', $topicinfo);
$block->set_var ('date', $firstdate);
$block->set_var ('lastdate', $lastdate);
$block->set_var ('topic_subject', $A['subject']);
$block->set_var ('lastpostuser', $lastpostuser);
$block->set_var ('lastpostid', $lastid);
$block->set_var ('cssid', $cssid);
$block->set_var ('img_dir', $CONF_FORUM['imgset']);
$block->set_var ('forum_id', $A['forum']);
$block->set_var ('forum_name', $A['forum_name']);
$block->set_var ('topic_id', $A['id']);
$block->set_var ('fullsubject', $fullsubject);
$block->set_var ('views', $A['views']);
$block->set_var ('replies', $A['replies']);
$block->set_var ('posts', $A['replies']+1);
$block->set_var ('lastpostby',$A['name']);
$block->parse ('block_records', 'record',true);
$block->parse ('output', 'block');
$retval .= $block->finish ($block->get_var ('output'));
//$exectime = $TIMER->stopTimer();
//COM_errorLog("Centerblock Execution Time: $exectime seconds");
return $retval;
Text Formatted Code
<!-- start centerblock.thtml --><!-- startblock -->
<div class="uk-grid" style="margin:0">
<table class="uk-table-striped uk-width-1-1" style="max-width:100%">
<tr class="uk-text-muted"><th>Topic</th><th>Category</th><th>Users</th><th>Posts</th><th>Views</th><th>Activity</th></tr>
<!-- endblock -->
<!-- end centerblock.thtml -->
Text Formatted Code
<!-- start centerblock_displayline.thtml --><tr>
<td class="uk-text-truncate" style="max-width:320px">
<a href="{site_url}/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic={topic_id}"><i class="uk-icon-arrow-circle-right"></i> <span class="uk-text-nowrap uk-text-truncate">{topic_subject}</a></a><br /
<td class="uk-text-truncate" style="max-width:180px">
<span class="uk-text-truncate"><a href="{site_url}/forum/index.php?forum={forum_id}" class="uk-text-truncate uk-text-success uk-text-bold" style="max-width:100px"><i class="uk-icon-folder-o"></i> {forum_name}</a></span>
<td class="uk-text-truncate" style="max-width:120px">
{topicinfo}{!if replies}...{lastpostuser}{!endif}
<td class="uk-text-truncate">
<td class="uk-text-truncate">
<td class="uk-text-truncate">
<a href="{site_url}/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic={topic_id}&lastpost=true#{lastpostid}">{date}</a>
<!-- end centerblock_displayline.thtml -->
Static pagePHP mode)
Text Formatted Code
echo CUSTOM_centerblock_forum ($limit='30');How can I use autotag?
Geeklog Japan https://www.geeklog.jp
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You must set the Allow PHP configuration setting to true in the Geeklog Configuration panel (Autotag plugin configuration) and be in a group with the autotags.PHP feature in order to modify autotags that call a function to translate the tag.
Check the PHP checkbox: Replace with PHP?
Add to the "Replace With:" textarea
CUSTOM_centerblock_forum ($p1)
and use it like this in your staticpage:
I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS
Check the PHP checkbox: Replace with PHP?
Add to the "Replace With:" textarea
Text Formatted Code
CUSTOM_centerblock_forum ($p1)
and use it like this in your staticpage:
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[forumcenterblock:10]I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS
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Sorry, autotag error...
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Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /xxx/plugins/autotags/functions.inc(400) : eval()'d code on line 1Geeklog Japan https://www.geeklog.jp
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text area:
did it!
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text area:
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return CUSTOM_centerblock_forum ($p1);did it!
Geeklog Japan https://www.geeklog.jp
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