Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, February 17 2025 @ 11:17 pm EST

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What plugins I need

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Manuel Valenzuel

Forum User
Registered: 06/13/12
Posts: 3

I'm come back. I have a nice website with geeklog www.huracannaranja.cl.
But this site run with geeklog 1.6.x.
I need a upgrade to geeklog 2.0. Or build all from zero, I will think about, now I need to know that plugins are necessary to permit facebook user or twitter user or other.

What theme is used here, I like me.

Ok, sorry my english is poor.

Ah, almost I forget, my user in this site is manowar, now I was trying login by facebook.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Support for Facebook and Twitter login is built into Geeklog, so you don't need any special plugins. You only need to get an API key from them (Facebook and Twitter, that is) and set it in the Configuration under "Users and Submissions".

Likewise, the theme you see here, called Modern Curve, also ships with Geeklog 2.0.0.

bye, Dirk

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Manuel Valenzuel

Forum User
Registered: 06/13/12
Posts: 3
Thank Dirk.

But I have some questions?

When I enter my user and passwd Geelok says "exceeded the number of attempts" this is equal to log in with user of geeklog that twiiter or facebook user?

How I can control the number of login attempts?.

Now this error is displayed with only one error, and for facebook login or twitter login simply giving click on button this messages appears. Question

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
The number of login attempts can be configured under

Configuration > Geeklog > Users and Submissions > Login Settings > Max. Login Attempts

The default is 3 and it counts the total number of logins from an IP address within a certain amount of time (Login Speed Limit, just below the max. number, defaults to 300 seconds).

This is to prevent people from trying out passwords. It is not reset when you successfully log in.

So you will either have to wait the 300 seconds, reduce the number (but only for testing - 300 seconds is a reasonably short timespan for use on a real site) or you could empty the gl_speedlimit table.

bye, Dirk

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