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Non permission story link in a block appears as text

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Why does a non permissioned story link (auto tag) in a right block display as
[story:20130111190308862 Captain's Address] instead of a clickable link "Captains's Address" ?

I have static pages which I don't want anonymous users to see so I set the access rights to non readable.



The link works fine for logged in users. I would have thought the link would appear as a normal link but display a login page when clicked if you don't have read permissions.

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I'm trying to do this with autotag plugin. Work in progress...
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The difficulty is to handle the access rights to the article because anonymous users will be redirect to index of the site.

If you want to display the link to anonymous you can use autotag plugin. Create a new autotag call linkstory for exemple (check Replace with PHP).

In your lib-custom.php file add this function:

Text Formatted Code

function phpautotags_linkstory ($p1,$p2) {

        global $_TABLES,$_CONF;
        $result = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE sid = '$p1'");
        $A = DB_fetchArray($result);

        if ($A['count'] > 0) {

                if (SEC_hasAccess ($A['owner_id'], $A['group_id'],
                    $A['perm_owner'], $A['perm_group'], $A['perm_members'],
                    $A['perm_anon']) >= 2) {
                $url = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story='. $p1);
                } else {
                    // You can custom the page ID here
                    $url = COM_buildUrl($_CONF['site_url'] . '/staticpages/index.php?page=my_custom_page');
                $linktext = $p2;
                if (empty($linktext)|| $p1==$p2) {
                        $linktext = stripslashes(DB_getItem($_TABLES['stories'],
                                                                                'title', "sid = '$p1'"));
                $content = COM_createLink($linktext, $url);

        return $content;


Then create a php static page with ID: my_custom_page
Select execute php(return) and put this code in the content in text or html formatted

Text Formatted Code
return SEC_loginRequiredForm();

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Registered: 01/15/13
Posts: 13
Hi Ben,

Thank you for your reply.

Where do I put the call to "phpautotags_linkstory" function ?


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Location:la rochelle, France

Add this new function in your system/lib-custom.php file.

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Registered: 01/15/13
Posts: 13
Hi Ben,

I have completed all the tasks you suggested but at some point (not sure where) I will have to call your new function (phpautotags_linkstory). This function does not replace an existing function so it needs to be called when I'm creating an autotag link. If the user does not have access to the story link they redivert to the login page otherwise the get a valid story link. (or have I not grasped the autotag/link concept ?).

I am a Newbie so I'm not familiar (yet) with all the plugins jargon etc. I do understand PHP.




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1. You need to install the autotag plugin
2. Create the "linkstory" autotag on the autotag admin page
3. Add function phpautotags_linkstory to your lib-custom.php file
4. The staic page with ID: my_custom_page
6. In your block create link with [ linkstory : XXXXXXXXXXXXX] where XXXXXXXXXXXXX is your story ID.

For anonymous users link will bring them to the my_custom_page where they can log in
For logged-in users link will bring theme to the story XXXXXXXXXXXXX

The senario is not perfect as "anonymous" will need to click once more on the link to go to the story. We need to handle a redirection just after the user log in...

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